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Two phases flow with implementation of chemical reactions

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Old   October 19, 2016, 03:46
Post Two phases flow with implementation of chemical reactions
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M.H. Radanielina
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Hi everyone,

I am a new member. I am very worry because, I work on my topic til several months but I have no idea how to find solution on this.

I am currently working on gasification process and using OpenFOAM to solve it. The mathematical model I would like to implement consists of two phases (gas and solid) and chemical reactions.

I tried to use reatingFoam solver but it only considers single phase, whereas multiple/twoPhaseEuleurFoam or reactingTwo/multiplePhaseEulerFoam solvers allow to describe two phases but no chemical reaction inside it. I thought in first on parallelisation calculation with two solvers but I found it is difficult or impossible to implement above all I have not a lot experience about OpenFoam manipulation. I can mesh, define my boundary conditions, but I could not directly enter inside .C or .H file to modify it.

Could someone help me how I can find solution on it? and if there are other solutions.

Thanks in advance for all your replies.

Best Regards,

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Old   October 19, 2016, 04:14
Juho Peltola
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I think that the reactingEulerFoam phaseModel does support reactions:
        fvm::ddt(alpha, rho, Yi)
      + fvm::div(alphaRhoPhi, Yi, "div(" + + ",Yi)")
      - fvm::Sp(this->continuityError(), Yi)

      - fvm::laplacian

      + fvc::ddt(residualAlpha_*rho, Yi)
      - fvm::ddt(residualAlpha_*rho, Yi)

Foam::ReactingPhaseModel<BasePhaseModel, ReactionType>::R
    volScalarField& Yi
) const
    return reaction_->R(Yi);
A tutorial case with reactions:

Are there some components still missing?
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Old   October 19, 2016, 05:11
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M.H. Radanielina
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Originally Posted by juho View Post
I think that the reactingEulerFoam phaseModel does support reactions:
        fvm::ddt(alpha, rho, Yi)
      + fvm::div(alphaRhoPhi, Yi, "div(" + + ",Yi)")
      - fvm::Sp(this->continuityError(), Yi)

      - fvm::laplacian

      + fvc::ddt(residualAlpha_*rho, Yi)
      - fvm::ddt(residualAlpha_*rho, Yi)

Foam::ReactingPhaseModel<BasePhaseModel, ReactionType>::R
    volScalarField& Yi
) const
    return reaction_->R(Yi);
A tutorial case with reactions:

Are there some components still missing?
Juho, thanks a lot for your reply, it's very kind of you

I think there are all components I need to solve my case study. I 'll try with it.

I'll keep you posted.
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Old   October 21, 2016, 04:37
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M.H. Radanielina
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Hi Juho,

I saw the tuto case bubbleColumnEvaporatingReacting you told me, and have some questions about this, I post you only two for the moment because it is the base of my study:

1. in constant/reactions.gas file, there are species
So if I want to introduce other species like in my case, CHAR, it should be a SOLID particle interpreted as a CONTINUUM phase, where can I define its properties (thermo and physical)? is that in the thermo.gas file or in another one because it is not a gas?

2. in constant/phaseProperties file, could you explain me how the type of phase is define? and how I can define the type of my phase properties like in this :
type reactingPhaseModel;//

liquid // change into dispersed solid phase
type purePhaseModel; //
Is it already in OpenFoan, and how I can use it?

Thanks for time and consideration.


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Old   June 19, 2018, 05:11
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Alireza Jafarinia
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Originally Posted by RamCmd View Post
Hi Juho,

I saw the tuto case bubbleColumnEvaporatingReacting you told me, and have some questions about this, I post you only two for the moment because it is the base of my study:

1. in constant/reactions.gas file, there are species
So if I want to introduce other species like in my case, CHAR, it should be a SOLID particle interpreted as a CONTINUUM phase, where can I define its properties (thermo and physical)? is that in the thermo.gas file or in another one because it is not a gas?

2. in constant/phaseProperties file, could you explain me how the type of phase is define? and how I can define the type of my phase properties like in this :
type reactingPhaseModel;//

liquid // change into dispersed solid phase
type purePhaseModel; //
Is it already in OpenFoan, and how I can use it?

Thanks for time and consideration.


Hi. did you manage to do it? I have a similar problem.
I am going to solve convection-diffusion-reaction equations in multiphase flow using OpenFOAM 5. As far as I know it is possible to use reactingMultiphaseEulerFoam solver, but the point is that there is no solved tutorial similar to my case. I would like to know your recommendations about how to start. Which tutorial do you suggest to modify?
There is another solver reactingTwophaseEulerFoam which solves convection-diffusion-reaction in two phase. Currently I think it is possible to start with this two phase flow problem or a tutorial in multiphase flow without solving reaction like multiphaseEulerFoam. I am really confused how to start and I appreciate any kind of help. My equation are related to biochemical reactions in multiphase flow with several species like thrombus formation in blood flow. The problem is the formation of thrombus in blood. It means that at first we have only fluid which is blood; then after biochemical reactions a solid phase might form near the wall which is the thrombus.
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Old   June 18, 2019, 10:07
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Originally Posted by A.jafarinia View Post
Hi. did you manage to do it? I have a similar problem.
I am going to solve convection-diffusion-reaction equations in multiphase flow using OpenFOAM 5. As far as I know it is possible to use reactingMultiphaseEulerFoam solver, but the point is that there is no solved tutorial similar to my case. I would like to know your recommendations about how to start. Which tutorial do you suggest to modify?
There is another solver reactingTwophaseEulerFoam which solves convection-diffusion-reaction in two phase. Currently I think it is possible to start with this two phase flow problem or a tutorial in multiphase flow without solving reaction like multiphaseEulerFoam. I am really confused how to start and I appreciate any kind of help. My equation are related to biochemical reactions in multiphase flow with several species like thrombus formation in blood flow. The problem is the formation of thrombus in blood. It means that at first we have only fluid which is blood; then after biochemical reactions a solid phase might form near the wall which is the thrombus.
Hi Alireza
Is there any update/solution for your problem?
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Old   June 19, 2019, 06:07
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Alireza Jafarinia
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I haven't tried tried the multiphase solvers yet, currently I am solving only passive scalar transport equations for the change in species concentrations.
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Old   January 16, 2020, 07:20
Smile meaning residualAplha_
Rosario Arnau
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Hi Foamers,

Looking at the transport eq posted above:

        fvm::ddt(alpha, rho, Yi)
      + fvm::div(alphaRhoPhi, Yi, "div(" + + ",Yi)")
      - fvm::Sp(this->continuityError(), Yi)

      - fvm::laplacian

      + fvc::ddt(residualAlpha_*rho, Yi)
      - fvm::ddt(residualAlpha_*rho, Yi)
Does anyone know the purpouse of "+ fvc::ddt(residualAlpha_*rho, Yi) - fvm::ddt(residualAlpha_*rho, Yi)"?

Thanks in advance,
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gasification cfd, parallel calculation, reactingfoam, twophaseeulerfoam

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