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reactingTwoPhaseEulerFoam and chemical reations

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Old   October 27, 2016, 01:37
Default reactingTwoPhaseEulerFoam and chemical reations
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M.H. Radanielina
Join Date: Oct 2016
Location: Madagascar
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Hi Foamers,

I am currently working on gasification process, and using reactingTwoPhaseEulerFoam solver (in multiphase/reactingEulerFoam) and bubbleColumnEvaporatingReacting as the basis of my case.

In bubbleColumnEvaporatingReacting/constant/reactions.gas folder, there are :

type reversibleArrheniusReaction;

reaction "CO^0.93 + H2O^0.24 = CO2^0.69 + H2^1";

A 1e8;
beta 0.86;
Ta 1e4;

The case I would like to develop consists of 4 main reactions :
C(CHAR) + H2O => CO + H2
CO + H2O <=> CO2 + H2
C(CHAR) + CO2 => 2CO
C(CHAR) + 2H2 => CH4

I started to modify liquid terms to particle in the tutorial case knowing that in my case I have two phases namely gas and particle dispersed (interpreting as a continuum fluid). And I run my case and it compiled very well. But I do not make change in reactions, phaseProperties and thermophysicalProperties in order to implement my reactions, define my phases or species properties.

So my questions are, how can I implement my species and reactions and parametrize thermophysicalProperties and phaseProperties in my case (gas and particle fluid phases)?

I see there is thermo.gas file where the gas species in the reactions are defined. But in my case, there is C(CHAR) which is a solid particle not a gas and I would like to know how can I define it, in another file I will create or what?

Thanks in advance for your reply

Best regards
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chemical reactions, gasification cfd, reactingtwophaseeulerfoam, thermophysicalproperties

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