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ami June 25, 2021 09:51

Maximum number of iterations exceeded+ thermoI.H
Hello everybody,

I would appreciate your help with this question. I am getting a "Maximum number of iterations exceeded" error. I figured out it is mainly due to the quality of my mesh. However, when I was trying to find more details, I started applying slight modifications to src/themophysicalModels/specie/lnInclude/thermoI.H file. The part I cannot wrap my head around it is that when I add any line, for example,

Info << "This is the value of T0" << T0 << endl;

to the

if (iter++ > maxIter_)


OpenFoam completely ignores it and does not print the line [Info << "This is the value of T0" << T0 << endl; ]; however it still gives me the fatal error. Moreover, the value of T0 printed out within the


is different from the T0 passed to the function from src/themophysicalModels/basic/psiThermo/hePsiThermo.C

Thank you for your help.

HPE June 25, 2021 19:24

could be a naive question, but: have you recompiled the items you have modified?

ami June 28, 2021 09:54

Thank you for your reply. Yes, absolutely. I compile the entire themophysicalModels folder.

HPE July 1, 2021 16:01

sorry - I don't know the answer, then. But please double check the compilation or the utility using the right modified file by adding few extra Infos around.

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