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WUYing January 23, 2022 17:05

A quick question about sixDofRigidBodyMotion
Hi, I use sixDofRigidBodyMotion to solve a 2D FSI problem (vortex induced vibration of cylinder). But I am a little confused about the functionality of this solver.

In the problem involving dynamic mesh, we need to solve mesh motion equation, and the common solvers include displacementLaplacian, velocityLaplacian, etc. And a template is shown below:

dynamicFvMesh      dynamicMotionSolverFvMesh;
motionSolverLibs    ("";

solver                  displacementLaplacian;

    diffusivity quadratic inverseDistance 5.0 (Body1 Body2);

Take displacementLaplacian as example, it solves mesh motion by laplacian equation of diffusivity and mesh displacment.

In the FSI problem, we need to solve both mesh motion and body motion. And it seems that sixDofRigidBodyMotion can solve motions of mesh and body, just including all the settings (mesh morphing definition, body definition, etc.) in dynamicMeshDict file. The template is shown below:


dynamicFvMesh  dynamicMotionSolverFvMesh;
motionSolverLibs ( "" );

solver          sixDoFRigidBodyMotion;


If I understand correctly, we first solve body motion (displacement, velocity, acceleration) from this solver, and the mesh deformation region is defined by outerDistance and innerDistance. But how to determine the motion of internal mesh grids within these two distances, just by default diffusivity model (inverseDistance linear)?

Sorry about the disordered description. I just don't know what exactly sixDoFRigidBodyMotion solver done in OpenFOAM.

I am very appreciated for any suggestion!

lplooooo December 23, 2022 02:25

Same Problem
Sorry I have the same problem, did you figure any solution ??!

msaravia October 18, 2023 10:17

Hi, have you solved this problem? We are having the same issue controlling the mesh motion when solving FSI problems.

WUYing October 19, 2023 02:39


Originally Posted by msaravia (Post 858523)
Hi, have you solved this problem? We are having the same issue controlling the mesh motion when solving FSI problems.


Sorry I am afraid I cannot give your much more details about the mesh motion. The focus of my case is the motion of body. I try different mesh motion solvers, and it has little influence on the results. So finally I just use the default mesh deformation method in OpenFOAM. There isn't much information on the Internet about how the mesh moves in OpenFOAM. So if you want to know more details or define your own mesh motion solver, maybe you can look into the source code.

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