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Print Cp and Cv using function objects

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Old   April 9, 2023, 08:16
Default Print Cp and Cv using function objects
New Member
Harish Gopal
Join Date: Mar 2023
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Hello All,

Hope you are having a great day !

I have a query regarding printing out gas properties like specific heats at constant pressure and volume (Cp and Cv) to the output directories during computation. I am using OF V10 for my computations.

The functionObjects method is a cool way to print out any quantity of our interest to the output directory. Therefore, I created two new function objects CpT and CvT, which essentially prints out the product of specific heats and temperatures. I basically created two copies of the functionObject for Mach number and edited it wherever necessary and changed the mathematical expressions (please see attached my function CpT files).

After this, I went to the top level Make directory '/src/functionObjects/field/' and modified the Make/files so that these two functions were added to it. (also see my Make/files document attached)

After this, I did wmake on the top level directory to generate the library '' - the make was fine and worked well without any errors.

However, when I try to use the CpT function object it simply does not appear in the available list of functionObjects and I get the following error when I try to use it:

Cannot find functionObject configuration file CpT

Available configured functionObjects:


Please, I would be extremely grateful if someone can point out where I am going wrong. Any suggestions, tips and pointers would be very useful please. Am I perhaps, missing some step during compilation of the functionObjects. Please not that I am not modifying the source code in the /opt/openfoam directory but I am creating a local copy in my $WM_PROJECT_USER_DIR directory to make the modifications and then only copying the file to the source directory in /opt/openfoam

Thanks a lot and looking forward to your response !

Attached Files
File Type: c CpT.C (2.6 KB, 11 views)
File Type: h CpT.H (2.7 KB, 3 views)
File Type: txt files.txt (2.1 KB, 4 views)
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