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enrin October 1, 2023 06:31

Mesh motion test without the fluid equations.
Dear all,

I am setting up my dynamic mesh case and, at the moment, I am simply trying to reproduce the prescribed motion that I want to get.

Since I'm doing a lot of changes and tests, I am frequently running into simulations that stop because of huge Courant numbers and that's why I would like to know if there is a way to exclude the fluid equations from the simulation and to test only the prescribed mesh motion defined in the dynamicMeshDict, without taking into account the physics behind the problem.

I have done a big search but I did not find anything interesting. Please let me know if there is a possible solution that escaped my inspection.
Many thanks in advance to all!!

Yann October 1, 2023 12:42


It sounds like a job for moveDynamicMesh!


enrin October 2, 2023 04:35

Thank you Yann, your answer was really helpful.
I just tried it and it saved my a lot of useless work.:)

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