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Gold112 April 24, 2024 09:29

OpenFOAM DTCHull Tutorial alpha.water Error
Hi, I am trying to use the DTCHull tutorial to model water and air flow around a kayak. I am getting a floating point error every time I run interFoam, which I think has something to do with the alpha.water file. I used setFields to define which regions will be filled with water, and I set all of the regions to be filled with air initially in alpha.water. I was able to go through the same process and run the dambreak tutorial, but for some reason whenever I run the DTCHull tutorial I get a floating point error, unless I set the internal field equal to 1 in the alpha.water file and make everything filled with water.

I've also looked at the DTCHull tutorials that have been posted on github, and I've also noticed that they have bottom, side, and midplane boundaries in blockmesh, but not in any other files. When I try to delete those boundaries in other files I am not able to run the simulation. I am very new to OpenFOAM and would appreciate any help!

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