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block mesh wedge

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Old   February 9, 2011, 00:39
Default block mesh wedge
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Minnesota USA
Posts: 33
Rep Power: 15
billynoe is on a distinguished road
I'm having a hard time getting the wedge to look right. Can somebody tell me what I am doing wrong.

/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
| ========= | |
| \\ / F ield | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox |
| \\ / O peration | Version: 1.7.1 |
| \\ / A nd | Web: |
| \\/ M anipulation | |
version 2.0;
format ascii;
class dictionary;
object blockMeshDict;
// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
convertToMeters 0.146;

(0 241.3 0) //0
(0 0 0) //1
(0 -12.7 0) //2
(0 -1524 0) //3
(279.4 -12.7 0) //4
(279.4 0 0) //5
(292.1 38.1 0) //6
(292.1 -313.6926357352644 0) //7
(304.8 38.1 0) //8
(304.8 13.51505771044411 0) //9
(304.8 0 0) //10
(304.8 -304.8 0) //11
(863.6 216.9016246183983 0) //12
(863.6 -521.7016246183977 0) //13
(867.943655820235 204.9675283344171 0) //14
(867.943655820235 -509.767528334418 0) //15
(7620 241.3 0) //16
(7620 -1524 0) //17
(279.1341 -12.7 12.1873) //18
(279.1341 0 12.1873) //19
(291.822 38.1 12.7412) //20
(291.822 -313.6926357352644 12.7412) //21
(304.5099 38.1 13.2952) //22
(304.5099 13.51505771044411 13.952) //23
(304.5099 0 13.29522) //24
(304.5099 -304.8 13.2952) //25
(862.7780 216.9016246183983 37.6697) //26
(862.7780 -521.7016246183977 37.6697) //27
(867.1176 204.9675283344171 37.8592) //28
(867.1176 -509.767528334418 37.8592) //29
(7612.7474 241.3 332.3797) //30
(7612.7474 -1524 332.3797) //31
(279.1341 -12.7 -12.1873) //32
(279.1341 0 -12.1873) //33
(291.822 38.1 -12.7412) //34
(291.822 -313.6926357352644 -12.7412) //35
(304.5099 38.1 -13.2952) //36
(304.5099 13.51505771044411 -13.2952) //37
(304.5099 0 -13.2952) //38
(304.5099 -304.8 -13.2952) //39
(862.7780 216.9016246183983 -37.6697) //40
(862.7780 -521.7016246183977 -37.6697) //41
(867.1176 204.9675283344171 -37.8592) //42
(867.1176 -509.767528334418 -37.8592) //43
(7612.7474 241.3 -332.3797) //44
(7612.7474 -1524 -332.3797) //45

hex (3 31 45 3 0 30 44 0) (10 10 10) simpleGrading (1 1 1)
hex (2 18 32 2 1 19 33 1) (10 10 10) simpleGrading (1 1 1)
hex (21 25 39 35 20 22 36 34) (10 10 10) simpleGrading (1 1 1)
hex (27 41 35 21 29 43 39 25) (10 10 10) simpleGrading (1 1 1)
hex (38 42 40 37 24 28 26 23) (10 10 10) simpleGrading (1 1 1)

arc 45 31 (0 -1524 0)
arc 44 30 (0 241.3 0)
arc 43 29 (0 -509.767528334418 0)
arc 42 28 (0 204.9675283344171 0)
arc 41 27 (0 -521.7016246183977 0)
arc 40 26 (0 216.9016246183983 0)
arc 39 25 (0 -304.8 0)
arc 38 24 (0 0 0)
arc 37 23 (0 13.51505771044411 0)
arc 36 22 (0 38.1 0)
arc 35 21 (0 -313.6926357352644 0)
arc 34 20 (0 38.1 0)
arc 33 19 (0 0 0)
arc 32 18 (0 -12.7 0)

wall AER
(20 34 35 21)
(21 35 41 27)
(27 41 43 29)
(29 43 39 25)
(25 39 36 22)
(24 38 42 28)
(28 42 40 26)
(26 40 37 23)
(22 36 34 20)
wall Top
(0 30 44 0)
wall bottom
(3 45 31 3)
wall back
(31 45 44 30)
patch inlet
(2 32 18 2)
patch outlet
(1 19 33 1)
wall nub
(18 32 33 19)
wedge side1
(0 3 31 30)
(20 21 25 22)
(21 27 29 25)
(24 28 26 23)
(1 2 18 19)
wedge side2
(0 3 45 44)
(34 36 39 35)
(35 39 43 41)
(37 38 42 40)
(1 33 32 2)
/*symmetryPlane symmetrywall
(0 16 17 3)
(1 4 5 2)
(6 8 11 7)
(7 11 15 13)
(9 12 14 10)
) */
empty zoinks
(3 3 0 0)
(2 2 1 1)


billynoe is offline   Reply With Quote

Old   February 12, 2011, 07:25
New Member
Radko Bankras
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: Almere, The Netherlands
Posts: 5
Rep Power: 16
Radko is on a distinguished road

Your wedge looks better if you don't split up your blocks, so:
    hex (3 31 45 3 0 30 44 0) (1 1 1) simpleGrading (1 1 1)
    hex (2 18 32 2 1 19 33 1) (1 1 1) simpleGrading (1 1 1)
    hex (21 25 39 35 20 22 36 34) (1 1 1) simpleGrading (1 1 1)
    hex (27 41 35 21 29 43 39 25) (1 1 1) simpleGrading (1 1 1)
    hex (38 42 40 37 24 28 26 23) (1 1 1) simpleGrading (1 1 1)
This will result in one undefined internal face in your AER patch, and a mesh which makes more sense.

I guess the AER patch defines internal walls in the wedge of your cylinder. In that case I would define only the blocks which form the volume of your wedge together. This way it is easier to increase the grading in X and Y direction, and you can keep your wedge 1 cell thick.

Kind regards, Radko

Last edited by Radko; February 12, 2011 at 07:25. Reason: style
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Old   February 14, 2011, 12:08
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Minnesota USA
Posts: 33
Rep Power: 15
billynoe is on a distinguished road
Yes that definitely fixed the shape I changed the faces to (1 1 1) on the AER block and input output and (15 1 5) on the wedge. I am getting errors in checkMesh from the internal walls. I think I will need to use snappyHex to join the blocks is this correct?
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Old   February 15, 2011, 17:40
New Member
Radko Bankras
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: Almere, The Netherlands
Posts: 5
Rep Power: 16
Radko is on a distinguished road

Any other mesher would be easier to use for your design. I suggest to have a look at Salome for drawing, meshing, and exporting to Foam via ideasUnvToFoam. This will allow you to perform the logical actions of subtracting two solids, like I guess you are trying to achieve.

As an example of how the structure should be defined in blockMesh (for all I know), I have modified your file and added some extra points. Note that your AER structure has not been put in yet. It will take a few more hours to do so. Make sure the patches are defined in clock-wise direction when looking from inside the mesh.
/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
| ========= | |
| \\ / F ield | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox |
| \\ / O peration | Version: 1.7.1 |
| \\ / A nd | Web: |
| \\/ M anipulation | |
version 2.0;
format ascii;
class dictionary;
object blockMeshDict;
// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
convertToMeters 0.146;

  (0 241.3 0) //0
  (0 0 0) //1
  (0 -12.7 0) //2
  (0 -1524 0) //3
  (279.4 -12.7 0) //4
  (279.4 0 0) //5
  (292.1 38.1 0) //6
  (292.1 -313.6926357352644 0) //7
  (304.8 38.1 0) //8
  (304.8 13.51505771044411 0) //9
  (304.8 0 0) //10
  (304.8 -304.8 0) //11
  (863.6 216.9016246183983 0) //12
  (863.6 -521.7016246183977 0) //13
  (867.943655820235 204.9675283344171 0) //14
  (867.943655820235 -509.767528334418 0) //15
  (7620 241.3 0) //16
  (7620 -1524 0) //17
  (279.1341 -12.7 12.1873) //18
  (279.1341 0 12.1873) //19
  (291.822 38.1 12.7412) //20
  (291.822 -313.6926357352644 12.7412) //21
  (304.5099 38.1 13.2952) //22
  (304.5099 13.51505771044411 13.952) //23
  (304.5099 0 13.29522) //24
  (304.5099 -304.8 13.2952) //25
  (862.7780 216.9016246183983 37.6697) //26
  (862.7780 -521.7016246183977 37.6697) //27
  (867.1176 204.9675283344171 37.8592) //28
  (867.1176 -509.767528334418 37.8592) //29
  (7612.7474 241.3 332.3797) //30
  (7612.7474 -1524 332.3797) //31
  (279.1341 -12.7 -12.1873) //32
  (279.1341 0 -12.1873) //33
  (291.822 38.1 -12.7412) //34
  (291.822 -313.6926357352644 -12.7412) //35
  (304.5099 38.1 -13.2952) //36
  (304.5099 13.51505771044411 -13.2952) //37
  (304.5099 0 -13.2952) //38
  (304.5099 -304.8 -13.2952) //39
  (862.7780 216.9016246183983 -37.6697) //40
  (862.7780 -521.7016246183977 -37.6697) //41
  (867.1176 204.9675283344171 -37.8592) //42
  (867.1176 -509.767528334418 -37.8592) //43
  (7612.7474 241.3 -332.3797) //44
  (7612.7474 -1524 -332.3797) //45
  (279.1341 241.3 12.1873) //46 new
  (279.1341 241.3 -12.1873) //47 new
  (279.1341 -1524 12.1873) //48 new
  (279.1341 -1524 -12.1873) //49 new
  (7612.7474 0 332.3797) //50 new
  (7612.7474 0 -332.3797) //51 new
  (7612.7474 -12.7 332.3797) //52 new
  (7612.7474 -12.7 -332.3797) //53 new

  hex (3 48 49 3 2 18 32 2) (20 1 20) simpleGrading (1 1 1) //0
  hex (1 19 33 1 0 46 47 0) (20 1 10) simpleGrading (1 1 1) //1
  hex (48 31 45 49 18 52 53 32) (100 1 20) simpleGrading (1 1 1) //2
  hex (18 52 53 32 19 50 51 33) (100 1 5) simpleGrading (1 1 1) //3
  hex (19 50 51 33 46 30 44 47) (100 1 10) simpleGrading (1 1 1) //4

  wall Top
    (0 46 47 0)
    (46 30 44 47)
  wall bottom
    (3 49 48 3)
    (48 49 45 31)
  wall back
    (31 45 53 52)
    (52 53 51 50)
    (50 51 44 30)
  patch inlet
    (2 18 32 2)
  patch outlet
    (1 33 19 1)
  wall nub
    (18 19 33 32)
  wedge side1
    (3 2 18 48)
    (1 0 46 19)
    (48 18 52 31)
    (18 19 50 52)
    (19 46 30 50)
  wedge side2
    (3 2 32 49)
    (1 0 47 33)
    (49 32 53 45)
    (32 33 51 53)
    (33 47 44 51)
  empty zoinks
    (3 2 2 3)
    (1 0 0 1)


Last edited by Radko; February 15, 2011 at 17:43. Reason: no comments
Radko is offline   Reply With Quote

Old   February 15, 2011, 18:01
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Minnesota USA
Posts: 33
Rep Power: 15
billynoe is on a distinguished road
Thanks for the help Radko.

I have been using gmsh for converting and meshing iges files which is ok, but I have been having problems with makeAxialMesh specifically collapseEdges. I also tried just reassigning the generic patches created in gmshToFoam into wedge type which did not work. Do you know of another way to make wedge geometry? Beyond that I tried a 3D test case icoFoam using the gmshToFoam mesh assigning the sides of the wedge as "walls" as well as the other patches. Except output as constant velocity 1.3 m/s and input as 0 pressure just to see what would happen and the solution wouldn't converge after about 10 steps. Maybe I should set it as a negative pressure on input? I am basically trying to model a vertical mixer I know the velocity in the volute due to an impeller, which I am simplifying. Eventually I will need to model this as interfoam as the top surface is exposed to air. So this looks like it is going to be a long time before I get any data that is worth anything. I will try out the revised geometry tomorrow and I'll let you know how it goes.
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