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[General] Time series and animations for tecplot files

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Old   August 1, 2013, 10:11
Default Time series and animations for tecplot files
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Dear all,

I have the following problem. My LES code generates an output file each N time steps, of tipe name_00001.tec, name_00002.tec, etc. Each file has inside the information of my variables for a cartain time. When I import one single file in Paraview, that's fine, and I can do all the operation I need. I need to create a 3D animation, which show, let's say for the variable phi, the evolution in time.

I worked before with .vtk files, and I had no problem to do that. I used to open just the root file ("name_000*") and Paraview automatically recognized the time series. Nevertheless, with tecplot files, Paraview seems to not be able to associate the time for each file. I tried manually, but no way.

Can you help me?

Thank you,

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Old   August 21, 2013, 12:15
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Bruno Santos
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Greetings Ivan,

Without a simple example case to reproduce the same problem, it's harder to give you a solution.

Nonetheless, if when you select the group "name_000*.tec", you are still able to skip to each snapshot by using the time controls, then you should also be able to use the controls that are made visible through the menu "View -> Animation View". Then you can change the kind of animation you want to perform, such as converting each frame to a particular place in time!

Best regards,
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