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JeffIrwin January 11, 2016 16:14

Loss of Precision with Ensight Gold Format
3 Attachment(s)
I have an MWE Ensight Gold Case file as follows:


type: ensight gold
model: 1 ex3_***.txt
time set:        1
number of steps:    3
filename start number:  1           
filename increment:    1
time values:

The three ex3_*.txt files that contain the geometry are all attached. This simple example is supposed to show one hex cell, then two hex cells, and in the final increment three hex cells.

The problem is that, with double-precision values, 1.0 and 1.00000001 are distinct. However, it seems that ParaView converts these time values to single precision at some point, where they are the same machine number.

Then, instead of seeing the three increments that I wanted to see, ParaView just displays the first two increments and skips the third. Then instead of displaying the three times 1.0, 1.00000001, and 5.0, it just shows 1.0 and 5.0.

Is there any way that I can have ParaView display these files correctly?

I cannot just change the second time from 1.00000001 to 3.0, because then the times displayed with the results will be incorrect. Preferably, I would like to have ParaView read and store the times as double precision.

I also tried explicitly giving the filename numbers 1 2 3, instead of the startnumber/increment form, with the same results.

Thanks in advance!

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