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[General] Pass variable from programmable filter to Plot Over Line Filter

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Old   March 29, 2016, 14:18
Default Pass variable from programmable filter to Plot Over Line Filter
Join Date: May 2015
Posts: 98
Rep Power: 11
Jack001 is on a distinguished road
My problem is as follows. The script below basically orders unstructured points of an airfoil profile so that I get points ordered from the Leading edge to trailing edge on both suction and pressure surfaces. This is accomplished inside the Programmable filter. The point of interest is
. I now want to use the result of this variable in a plot over line filter. How can I "communicate" this variable from inside the programmable filter to the input of the plot over line filter like below:

#### import the simple module from the paraview
from paraview.simple import *

# create a new 'EnSight Reader'
cFX_00 = EnSightReader(CaseFileName='/Users/CFD/Rotor/user_files/')

# create a new 'Extract Block'
extractBlock1 = ExtractBlock(Input=cFX_00)

# Properties modified on extractBlock1
extractBlock1.BlockIndices = [4]

# create a new 'Extract Surface'
extractSurface1 = ExtractSurface(Input=extractBlock1)

# create a new 'Generate Surface Normals'
generateSurfaceNormals1 = GenerateSurfaceNormals(Input=extractSurface1)
generateSurfaceNormals1.FlipNormals = 0

# create a new 'Programmable Filter'
programmableFilter1 = ProgrammableFilter(Input=generateSurfaceNormals1)

script1 = [
'from vtk.util.numpy_support import vtk_to_numpy',
'import numpy as np',
'    import ordering',
'except ImportError:',
'    import sys',
'    sys.path.append("/Users/CFXPost")',
'    import ordering',
'def order(input, output):',
'    output.ShallowCopy(input)',
'    numPoints = input.GetNumberOfPoints()',
'    coords = []',
'    for i in range(0, numPoints):',
'        coord = input.GetPoint(i)',
'        coords.append(coord)  ',
'    coords = np.asarray(coords)',
'    x,y,z = coords[:,0],coords[:,1],coords[:,2]',
'    r,th = ordering.convert_to_cyl(x,y)',
'    iss,ips = ordering.order_chord(coords)',
'    ss  = ordering.perc_arc(z[iss],th[iss])',
'    ps  = ordering.perc_arc(z[ips],th[ips])',
'    ind = (np.abs(ss-%0.4f)).argmin()' % chord_loc,
'    point_ind = iss[ind]',
'    point_coord = input.GetPoints().GetPoint(point_ind)',
'                               ',
'input = self.GetInputDataObject(0, 0)',
'output = self.GetOutputDataObject(0)',
'                                    ',
'if input.IsA("vtkMultiBlockDataSet"):',
'    output.CopyStructure(input)',
'    iter = input.NewIterator()',
'    iter.UnRegister(None)',
'    iter.InitTraversal()',
'    while not iter.IsDoneWithTraversal():',
'        curInput = iter.GetCurrentDataObject()',
'        curOutput = curInput.NewInstance()',
'        curOutput.UnRegister(None)',
'        output.SetDataSet(iter, curOutput)',
'        order(curInput, curOutput)',
'        iter.GoToNextItem();',
'    order(input, output)'

programmableFilter1.Script = str("\n".join(script1))
programmableFilter1.RequestInformationScript = ''
programmableFilter1.RequestUpdateExtentScript = ''
programmableFilter1.PythonPath = ''

# create a new 'Plot Over Line'
plotOverLine1 = PlotOverLine(Input=cFX_00, Source='High Resolution Line Source')

plotOverLine1.Source.Point2 = point_coord # <-- From programmable filter!

plotOverLine1.Source.Point2 = [0.05050000175833702, 0.020051924511790276, 0.0]
Jack001 is offline   Reply With Quote


paraview, plot over line, programmable filter

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