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FerdiFuchs February 7, 2017 09:23

parallel volume rendering with EGL pvbatch
2 Attachment(s)
Hello everyone!

i try to compute a big *.vtk-dataset into a volume rendering.
Ive set up ParaView 5.2.0 on a Dual CPU E2620 system with enough RAM and a Nvidia GTX 770 -- enabled with EGL.

Now if i start my renderscripts with pvbatch and mpi, it works, but the result is not what i'd expect to have -- the domain is splitted into parts which are visible in the rendered result.

If i run pvserver and mpi on the same node and connect with paraview from a client, the result is displayed correctly though its rendered on the same GPU and also with mpi.

Its also correct if I run pvbatch on only one CPU -- without mpi...

does somebody know where is my problem?

Thank you very much!

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