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Artur October 19, 2018 17:20

Paraview time series data with a single mesh file
Hi All,

I'm writing a tool which will sample flow field data for acoustic analysis; this will require large volumes of data to be saved at high temporal resolution BUT on a fixed grid. I would like to save the grid to a single .vtp file (for now only surface sampling, hence polygons), and write the flow data to separate files, one for each time.

I'd then like to link them up to be able to visualise the time series in Paraview, either by including a link to the grid in the data file or creating a separate file for each time step which would include references to both the grid and data. I see something very similar was attempted before with CGNS files:
but it doesn't seem like a clear solution has been proposed then. Does anyone have any pointer on how I could proceed? I'd be happy to use a different file format, like TecPlot or CGNS, as long as it's reasonably portable.

As a minimum working example, here's a file I'd like to be able to "split" into grid and data:

All the best,


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