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zhaohb11_cfd July 3, 2021 10:12

cannot open large file in paraview

I want to use paraview to visualize the Openfoam results. The case consist of about 52 million cells and 54 million points。 But it fails when I import the results into paraview. However, when the cell number is about 20 million, it works successful.

someone has encountered this problem? what is the reason behind it?

sylvester July 6, 2021 12:34


This is a known problem of ParaView (see for example, which is expected to be resolved in the future version 5.10.

There are some workarounds:
* open decomposed data instead of reconstructed
* convert your data to VTK
* use paraFoam

zhaohb11_cfd July 7, 2021 21:46

Thanks, sylvester. I will try your method.

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