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Gzegers May 12, 2023 16:26

Short streamlines
2 Attachment(s)

I want to create streamlines for a ChtMultiRegionFoam Model. This model has around 5M cells and runs without convergence problems. However, when I try to plot the lines using paraview (streamtracer) the streamlines end only after a short distance. I attached a picture of my fluid region and the obtained streamlines. Any ideas on how to solve this?

The files are a little too heavy, so here is the vtk file for one timestep (exported using foamToVTK -poly -region fluido) :



flotus1 May 24, 2023 07:11

The stream tracer filter has a few settings that can help here.
Namely "maximum steps" and "maximum streamline length".
Don't get confused by the slider for the latter option. You can enter a numerical value that is higher than the largest slider value.

If all else fails and the streamlines keep stopping for no apparent reason, try switching the interpolator type to cell locator.

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