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Inserting 3ds object in phoenics...PLEASE HELP

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Old   July 12, 2001, 09:21
Default Inserting 3ds object in phoenics...PLEASE HELP
Posts: n/a
I have a 3D object (a formula1 car) in 3ds format , and I want to put it in Phoenics...

The problem is that when I import it in Autocad 2000 and then save it as dxf , In phoenics the flow passes throught the car like there is no solid present...

In Autocad 2000 when I click on a part of the car it says that there is no solid or 3d object, only polyline mech.....!!!!!

What is the problem? and Please if someone knows how can I convert the 3ds format to dxf or dwg or stl and put it in phoenics, let me know.....

If someone has already a 3D formula1 car in these formats, I would be very pleased to have it .... It's very important for my univercity studies...

Thanx a lot and sorry for my bad english... From Greece Yiannis

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Old   July 16, 2001, 00:25
Default Re: Inserting 3ds object in phoenics...PLEASE HELP
Leon Mills
Posts: n/a

The problem is that you need to have 3d faces in ACAD 2000, not polylines. The problem is in the import of the file into acad.

What format is 3ds ?

What ever the program is, try saving it as a stl, I find this to be the best format.


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Old   July 18, 2001, 07:27
Default Re: Inserting 3ds object in phoenics...PLEASE HELP
Posts: n/a
The 3DS model can be read in AUTOCAD and I think that 3DS can also direct export STL formatted files (should be in ACSII formatted and had better to divided this car model to several parts of STL and compose them in VR-Editor ) If you export it as DXF and would like to read in DXF in VR-Editor. You should do some steps in AutoCAD. For wholly one object DXF (one car in one object), your model should be closed by 3D Mesh entity. For several object DXF (one car composed by several object) your model should be combined as several block entities and each block should be closed by 3D Face entities and each block in DXF would be imported to VR-Editor as a object. There are also some part objects for old-style F1-Racing Car in \phoenics\d_satell\d_vrgeom\vehicle and you should combine them to a whole F-1 car. You also can e-mail me the AutoCAD dwg file to me that I can try to test it.
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Old   August 9, 2001, 17:46
Default Re: Inserting 3ds object in phoenics...PLEASE HELP
Posts: n/a
I have successfully drawn objects in AutoCAD 2000 and imported them into VR editor by importing them as stl files. There are a few things to be careful about. One is that when drawing the object you have to make sure that it is a 3d object and if you want to connect different parts together you can use the subtract and add commands in autocad. When exporting the file to stl you must make sure that (a) the object is in the positive quadrants and (b) that the exportation is done as an ascii (binary is the default so you need to change it). I also had problems with the length of the file name, those with greater than 8 characters were not recognized by pheonics.
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Old   August 22, 2001, 07:54
Default Re: Inserting 3ds object in phoenics...PLEASE HELP
R. Azzawi
Posts: n/a
Yiannis, the solid in DXF format is treated as plates, and in CFD domain if the hart of cell is not on an object then the cell is open, the best way is to import it as STL format which will make it as a filled solid.

you've got the right answer, when you make the solid in ACAD, type [ stlout ] then yo'll be prompt to save it as Binary file--> choose no, then select only one solid, and it has to be in the positive x,y,z, coordinates, and name it with max 8 charectors. I hope this helps,
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