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quarkz July 5, 2020 03:28

Pointwise create good mesh on wing suction side, but poor mesh on pressure side
2 Attachment(s)
I have a wing from solidworks and I used Pointwise to create unstructured grid automatically, using the domain from database entity function. The wing suction side has good mesh but the pressure side mesh is much poorer. I have attached the pictures. The red mesh indicates poor quality mesh. I wonder why this is so because they share the same connector.

Also, if I delete the mesh and re-create using domain with assemble special, a zero number domain is created, but there is no error msg.

Does anymore has experience solving this problem?


503131132 August 28, 2020 03:40

Hi quarkz

It seems that you might have a "break point" while you use distribute command. Try deleting the points by toggling on "Delete Break Points" under of "Break Points" tab. Then give a new distribution along the connector which wont cause high Angle of mesh elements.

For the problem with generating domain, first use merge under of grid tab and check is there any free connector or not. If its not check the all layer there might be a domain which is already created but you dont see it.

Have nice jobs.

quarkz August 31, 2020 23:28

Hi thanks!

I realise that it's because the trailing edge of the wing is not correctly represented in Pointwise after importing. The line on the pressure side does not end at the trailing edge but continue to the suction side, hence the error.

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