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Bruno Guerreiro December 7, 2021 14:14

Sediment Observation

First I would like to say that I am very happy with the Reef3D program, as an Oceanographer I can use it for a lot of different purposes.

Currently, I am trying to assess the sediment transport at a tank with a certain type of wave.

I have already tried different sets of commands (for the sediment transport) in my project although I don't understand why isn't it working. If you could help me it would be amazing.

the commands for sediment that I used were:
S 10 2
S 11 1
S 12 1
S 15 1
S 16 2
S 43 2

S 60 1

when I run it I never had any errors reported by the program,

I only cant see the results when I move to paraview.

Thank you for your time!

kamath December 8, 2021 08:36

Hi Bruno,
I am not entirely sure what you are trying to convey.
Do you have problems running the simulation or visulaising?

Have you taken a look at this thread:

May be that is a good starting point for you to understand the inputs files to simulate sediment transport

Bruno Guerreiro December 8, 2021 10:31


I am having problems visualizing the sediment.
I wrote the code for sediment transport in the ctrl file, I don't know if there is something wrong with it or with the visualizing.

I doing a 2D tank with waves.

Do I need another file in the folder (that isn't the control, ctrl, divemesh or reef3d)?

Thank you so much!

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