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Bruno Guerreiro December 13, 2021 05:40

1 Attachment(s)
Hello I am trying to run the sediment transport in a tank with waves with the following commands:
B 10 1
B 50 0.0001
B 90 1
B 91 1.16 70.0
B 92 8
B 96 0.0 0.0
B 98 3
B 99 3
F 30 3
F 40 3
F 42 10.0
F 60 5.0
I 12 1
M 10 4
N 41 500
N 47 0.1
S 10 2
S 11 1
S 12 1
S 13 0.1
S 14 0.1
S 15 1
S 17 1
S 18 100
S 19 200
S 20 0.001
S 22 1500
S 32 4
S 41 2
S 43 50
S 44 1
S 45 1
S 57 0.7
S 71 0.1
S 72 5
S 77 34.9 39.0
S 80 3
P 51 10.0 0.25
P 52 0.25
P 55 0.05
P 180 1
P 182 0.1
P 10 1
P 30 0.01
W 22 -9.81

But I having trouble with the sediment observation in the paraview.
Also When I am running the simulation the interaction message look like this:

simtime: 201
timestep: 0.0178
t/T: 19.5
Volume 1: 41.9
Volume 2: 103
lsmtime: 0.000909
0 maxdh: 4.876e-06 dtsed: 0.01776
Sediment Volume: 0 vol0: 0 Volume Change: -nan %[/U][/B]
Topo: update grid...
bedmin: -0.005274
bedmax: 0.002964

Sediment Timestep: 0.01776 Sediment Total Timestep: 0.01776 Total Time: 200.0156
Sediment CompTime: 0.0015405

Inflow: -0.72579 Ui: -0.3374 Hi: 5
Outflow: -0.96164 Uo: 0 Ho: 5
.piter: 3 ptime: 0.00229
.piter: 3 ptime: 0.00235
.piter: 3 ptime: 0.00241
umax: 0.989 utime: 0.0019
vmax: 0 vtime: 2.65e-05
wmax: 0.684 wtime: 0.00184
viscmax: 1.41e-05
kinmax: 0
epsmax: 0
wavegentime: 9.24e-05
reinitime: 0.00183
gctime: 0.00287 average gctime: 0.00241
Xtime: 0.00137 average Xtime: 0.00256
total time: 232.015 average time: 0.0199
timer per step: 0.0204

as you can see the sediment volume is 0.

Can someone help me understand what is wrong?

Thank you!

kamath December 17, 2021 04:08

I will have a look and get back to you soon

Bruno Guerreiro December 17, 2021 06:33

thank you!

Ronja December 20, 2021 04:40

I had a look at your ctrl.txt-file and the ==comments== are my suggestions:

B 10 1
B 50 0.0001
B 90 1
B 91 1.16 70.0
B 92 8
B 96 0.0 0.0
B 98 3
B 99 3
F 30 3
F 40 3
F 42 10.0
F 60 5.0
I 12 1
M 10 4
N 41 500
N 47 0.1
S 10 2
S 11 1
S 12 1 ==just for your information: if you want to include suspended load, you need to define a time-scheme with S 60 for its convection equation and check your sediment fall velocity in S 23==
S 13 0.1
S 14 0.1
S 15 1
S 17 1 ==This is not in the guide, if not defined on purpose, Recommendation to delete==
S 18 100 ==This is not in the guide, if not defined on purpose, Recommendation to delete==
S 19 200
S 20 0.001
S 22 1500
S 32 4
S 41 2
S 43 50
S 44 1
S 45 1
S 57 0.7
S 71 0.1 ==start of erosion at x=0.1==
S 72 5 ==end of erosion at x=5.0 m - that means that only erosion between 0.1 and 5 m (generally, it is recommended to use S 73 for relaxation zones with a fixed level instead)==
S 77 34.9 39.0 ==it means the active erosion, hence only sediment transport between x=34.9 and x=39, which does not fit together with S 71 and S 72, please check together with your control.txt where in your domain you need it to be defined and adapt S 71 - S 77 correctly==
S 80 3
P 51 10.0 0.25
P 52 0.25
P 55 0.05
P 180 1
P 182 0.1
P 10 1
P 30 0.01
W 22 -9.81

You might also want to check your Shields parameter (S 30, critical for incipient motion), judging from your defined sediment density in S 22 and your sediment diameter defined in S 20, a smaller value might be appropriate

optional but maybe helpful:
P 121 would give you the option to have a bed level gauge at a specific location
P 122 prints the maximum bedchange of the whole region

Hope that helps.



Bruno Guerreiro December 20, 2021 08:19

thank you I will test it then I let you know!

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