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keshav_20 August 10, 2023 02:14

Getting different results with different number of cores
3 Attachment(s)
Hello REEF3D-team,
I used 20-cores and 8-cores to run the same simulation problem, it is generating different results. For instant, the drag load amplitude increases for 20-cores as compared to 8-cores, as shown in attached figure.
I am attaching the control and ctrl txt file as well.

Thank you


valgrinda August 16, 2023 05:39

Thanks for the feedback! We are looking at this and will get back to you soon.

keshav_20 September 27, 2023 11:01

Hello Team REEF3D
Any update in this regard?

Thank you


valgrinda October 2, 2023 11:25

We did some testing on this. In order to avoid the difference, could you try with G 3 1 - i.e. turn on direct forcing?

Varada November 3, 2023 00:25

3 Attachment(s)
I tried to measure air pressure inside an oscillating water column as it interacts with waves in a 3D numerical wave tank.

First, I ran a simulation with 80 cores, and the results showed a very different profile as seen in the figure. Then, I ran the simulation again with just 8 cores, keeping everything else the same, and this time the results looked more reliable.

After reading your response on this page, I tried a different approach by using the solid forcing method instead of the immersed boundary method. However, I couldn't get any pressure data using this method, even though I kept all other settings unchanged.

I'm using REEF3D-23.03-release_candidate on an HPCE facility. Can you please take a look at the graph and input files I've attached and provide some suggestions?

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