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BRN September 14, 2023 12:48

There is not enough space on the disk for simulation results
Hello everyone have a nice day,

Ive downloaded REEF3D and started the first simulation. After a few hours I saw that I got no space in my C: directory (before simulationI got 11GB space), so I assume simulation outputs are stored in C directory. But the simulation folder is in \\wsl.localhost\Ubuntu\home\baranpolat\test1.

My question is can I change the directory C: to D: because I got a lot of space in D.

Any suggestions and helps are appreciated.

Thanks a lot,


ThatHimalayanGuy September 15, 2023 08:21

I think you will have to reinstall WSL in the D drive. I faced the same problem before.
I remember there were some ideas to move the entire WSL from C to D drive. It might be worth looking into, saves you time.

valgrinda September 15, 2023 08:38

A pragmatic solution is to write out less data, see the P10/P20/P30 options.

BRN September 15, 2023 09:46

Actually, I moved the simulation folders to D. Created I file at D, such as test2 then put control.txt and ctrl.txt DiveMESH and REEF3D to this folder and navigate this folder in Ubuntu. Whit that way, I can manage to run the simulation without a problem.

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