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Field functions and table

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Old   March 20, 2013, 11:51
Question Field functions and table
Join Date: Oct 2011
Location: Thessaloniki, Greece
Posts: 75
Rep Power: 15
crevoise is on a distinguished road
Hello all

My problem is the following:
I have 30 field functions reporting the molar concentration of 30 different species: F1, F2, .... , F30.

My aim is to use the data from these field functions by an external software.
I could call each of these field functions one by one, but it's a bit heavy.

1/ Thus, I wish to create a field function referencing the 30 set of data. Like a vector where I order the field functions data Order=(F1,F2,F3, ... , F30).
Like this, by calling the filed function 'order', I can get the molar concentration of the specie 3 by calling order[3].

However, I do success to create such 'order' vector field function. Does anyone know if it is possible to do so?

2/ Another attempt was to create a table from all the above defined 30 field functions. I created such table referencing the 30 molar concentrations associated to their cell ID, and with their position (via the XyzInternalTable)
a/ I can then export the table at every iteration and read the extracted file. But if so, it is quite a heavy solution.
b/ As on 1/, is it possible then to create a matrix defined by a field function, ordering all the 30 molar concentrations by the cell ID? There are examples in the manual about interpolation table data in field functions,but I don't think it is what is needed in my case.

Thank you for any help.
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field function, species, table

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