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Jonny6001 August 8, 2014 14:22

Definition of scalars at inlet boundary

I have a Star-CD case where I need to define an 'Inlet' boundary that consists of two distinguishable scalars that have very different densities 700 for one and 2 kg/m3 for the other. The case is a jet of liquid surrounded by nitrogen gas. I have mapped the velocity and scalar distribution at the boundary from another simulation using bcdefi.f , this appears to have mapped correctly.

The background material density has been defined as 'Ideal Gas f(P,T)'.
I have specified the initial conditions as being consisted entirely of nitrogen.

My problem is that the regions that have a mass fraction of almost 1 have densities around 150kg/m3 as opposed to 700kg/m3 as they should be. I cannot see how the "correct" mapped distribution of the active scalars on the inlet boundary can produce the density field that I am seeing.

I hope someone can help.

Thank you.

Jonny6001 August 10, 2014 06:06

Problem sorted.

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