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Tyrmida April 24, 2024 03:28

Using Microsoft HPC Pack with Star-CCM+
Good morning all,

We're trying to submit a job to Microsoft HPC Pack 2019 Cluster Job Scheduler.

The tickbox in gui that says "Submit Using Microsoft Job Scheduler" adds -ccs to the command which errors out with:


Unrecognized argument : -ccs
When trying to start using the -msjob command line argument instead the job is successfully submit to the job scheduler and started, however errors out with the following message for every core:


MPItrampoline: ERROR: The environment variable MPITRAMPOLINE_LIB is not set.
MPI functions are not available.
Set MPITRAMPOLINE_LIB to point to a wrapped MPI library.
See <> for details.

I am unsure what to set here - has any of you run into this before? The only examples I have found for MPITRAMPOLINE_LIB environment variables on the internet was Linux based and not for Windows. Unfortunately my local support don't have experience in Microsoft HPC Cluster yet so they can't really help.

I can start a job on a single node with 40 cores when specifying "Intel MPI" however the moment that I try to use 2 or more nodes, this doesn't work most likely because Microsoft HPC uses MSMPI and not Intel

The command I am using to start up is:


\\SCCM\Siemens\19.02.009\STAR-CCM+19.02.009\star\lib\win64\clang15.0vc14.2\lib\starccm+.exe -msjob -server -np 640 -power -podkey blahblah -licpath blahblah
Has anyone used Star-CCM+ on Microsoft HPC Job scheduler before and can perhaps make some suggestions?

Thank you very much in advance.

Tyrmida April 28, 2024 06:50

I have managed to get a little further by setting an environment variable of MPITRAMPOLINE_LIB to C:\Program Files\Siemens\19.02.009\STAR-CCM+19.02.009\mpitrampoline\5.2.3-cda-003\win64\vc14.2\mpitrampoline.dll

However, I am still having an issue where MPItrampoline is now reporting:


MPItrampoline: Could not resolve symbol "mpiwrapper_version_major"
MPItrampoline: error: The specified procedure could not be found.

Is there any guide to using SCCM with Microsoft HPC Pack anywhere?

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