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Maria Carlsson April 28, 2001 10:21

Dear everybody,

I'm simulating the flow through a Kaplanturbine in a pipe(Actuatordisctheory), and I'm using the subroutine Sormom.f without problems. Now I need to take out the velocities U,V,W in a row of cells, why I thought Posdat.f would do, but I'm having difficulties to define the row. I want to define a celltype and then ask Posdat.f to calculate for this specific celltype. Is it possible? Is it possible to get V,W,Y,X,Z from Posdat.f? When I define the celltype I get the message that it is wrong. In the subroutine the fluidtype is defined as ICTID(NCTMXU) - what does "NCTMXU" mean?


Jing April 30, 2001 10:29

Re: Posdat
"NCTMAXU" means the maximum member of fluid cells.

You can get the flowfield distribution in the Posdat.f by the following way:

(1)Define a region as you wish in "CTAB" and give it a cell table number (for example: 8).

(2)Add the following program to Postdat.f:


IF(ICTID(I).EQ.8) write(*,*) U(1,I),U(2,I),U(3,I)


(3)Compile and run again. Everything should be OK.

Hope it works!

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