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Lee June 9, 2003 07:09

How to map results from one modle into another mod
I want to set up two models,and I want to use the results of the first model as the initiation of the second model,i.e.,the outlet result of the first model=>the inlet parameter of the second model.

How can I do it?

Thank you very much for your kind help!


4xF June 11, 2003 08:02

Re: How to map results from one modle into another
Hmmm... That's not so obvious. The only possibility I know is: 1) create shells in the second model that are defined on the inlet boundary. 2) export these shells with the VWRITE command (for vertices) and CWRITE command (for cells). 3) Read them in the 1st model with the VREAD and CREAD commands (use the offsets!!!) for vertices and cells resp. 4) Use PMAP to map the solution on these shells. Data is now stored in the post-registers. Get also the cell face center coordinates loaded into the empty post-registers with for example the OPER,GETC,X command (stores the X-coordinate). 5) Use the panel Save User Data in the Post menu for saving the data to a file. 6) Implement a user subroutine for your second model, for instance bcdefi.f, to check for the shell position in the save data file and get the corresponding mapped value you need for running your second model.

Joern Beilke June 11, 2003 09:48

Re: How to map results from one modle into another
It is also possible to generate a boundary region for every of these shells and convert the mapped values into a boundary definition.

Another option is the use of a table for the input values.

Vladimir Krejci June 11, 2003 11:36

Re: How to map results from one modle into another
Hi Lee, if I understood and you want to use results of one simulation as initial guess for another simulation go for utility/solution mapping (or type 'help smap' in output window). The mapping procedure is also described in user guide manual (look for smap command). Otherwise previous messages apply.

Hope it helps.

4xF June 12, 2003 07:43

Re: How to map results from one modle into another
Good luck if you have more than, say 20, boundary faces. The table may be useful if the inlet boundary is planar (because of the need of defininf a local coordinate system and use the related X and Y locations).

Joern Beilke June 12, 2003 08:23

Re: How to map results from one modle into another
Why "good luck"? It just requires some lines of coding (perl, fortran, ...) and you dont have to touch a single face by hand :)

CJ Tune June 13, 2003 00:39

Re: How to map results from one modle into another
I don't think you need to convert each shell into a separate boundary region. Just use the supplied BCDEFP.F or whatever and modify it to assign interpolated values from the old model's boundary region values saved as a text file (value vs XYZ).

Jing June 20, 2003 04:40

Re: How to map results from one modle into another
If you know the cell number mapping relation between the outlet of Model 1 and the inlet of Model 2, you can output the flow field parameter on the outlet in the model 1 by user subroutine POSDAT.f and read it in the model 2 as the inlet boundary by the corresponging user subrouine.

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