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LORENZO June 7, 2004 10:55

HELP!!! part2
I have to read a table with eleven dependent varibles. I store it with eleven columns plus two columns for independent variables but there is a warning saying that more than ten variables are impossible to read. How can I store the table. Where do I have to write the eleventh column in .tbl file?

4xF June 14, 2004 14:02

Re: HELP!!! part2
If you look at the output of the online help (by pressing the F1-key) concerning the command TBREAD (which does the same as reading a table input from the GUI), you will find the following line:

<DVAR1 DVAR2 DVAR3 .........DVAR10> (DVAR="dependent variable") <VAL11 VAL21 VAL31 .........VAL101> (up to 10 DVARs per line)

This means that you will only be able to read *10* dependent variables. This value is hard-coded, so there is no chance that you will be able to read the 11th dependent variable.

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