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Albessu August 16, 2006 09:37

Particle track creation !!!
I'm starting to work with particle tracks, but I didin't succeed to make the particle follow from the inlet bondary till the end of one duct. I'd like to know if someone has one tutorial or a document that shows how to setup this kind of procedure?

Thanks in advanced.....

Pauli August 16, 2006 17:53

Re: Particle track creation !!!

See Dr. Post Article #5

Albessu August 17, 2006 06:07

Re: Particle track creation !!!
I already took a look on this page but the commands mentioned there didin't worked in my case, maybe could be due to version "3.26 Unix".....

Pauli August 17, 2006 14:34

Re: Particle track creation !!!
Possibly, at some point in time (3.20??) the particle tracking stuff was rewritten. I believe the basic ideas are the same. The commands & syntax were shuffled around. It's been a while so the details are not fresh. Do a help on part, ptrack, and ptplot. I think those are the main ones used in 3.26.

I believe part creates the particles & defines their properties, ptrack creates the tracks, and ptplot displays the results. I believe you need to use all three.

It can be confusing because the same commands are used for multiple things. You can make tracks from steady state or transient runs. (Although I've never gotten transient to work. But then again I haven't tried it since the re-write.) And when modeling sprays, you use these same commands to plot the resulting droplets.

Like most StarCd stuff, The command line is very powerful. So it can be a bit tedious & overwhelming to start. But it generally works well once you suss the details.

I believe the NavCenter does the fundamentals. You could try it & watch what commands are issued. This should give you an idea where/how to start.

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