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savr1484 May 31, 2013 08:29

Error VolumeFractionLevel1
i'm studying with the tutorial: boat in head wave.
And if i run my simulation, star ccm shows me this error:

"Attempt to access unallocated VolumeFractionLevel1 storage in cells in Part
Command: RunSimulation
CompletedCommand: RunSimulation
Recoverability: Non-recoverable
ServerStack: [SymInit: Symbol-SearchPath: '.', symOptions: 530, UserName: 'es'
, OS-Version: 6.1.7601 (Service Pack 1) 0x100-0x1
, 000007FEF4AD56BF (StarPlatform): (filename not available): Platform::Platform
, 000007FEF3C2CB04 (StarNeo): (filename not available): NonRecoverableError::NonRecoverableError
, 000007FEF3CC3FF8 (StarNeo): (filename not available): InternalError::InternalError
, 000007FEEAA333D2 (StarStorage): (filename not available): StoredVariable<double>::getStorageImpl
, 000007FEEAA41946 (StarStorage): (filename not available): StoredVariable<double>::Engine::Engine
, 000007FEE1F47DAA (SegregatedFlowModel): (filename not available): BodyForceEquation::FreeBodyForceTerm::eval
, 000007FEE1F44F3C (SegregatedFlowModel): (filename not available): BodyForceEquation::FreeBodyForceTerm::eval
, 000007FEE1F44555 (SegregatedFlowModel): (filename not available): BodyForceEquation::FreeBodyForceTerm::eval
, 000007FEE9F20131 (StarSolve): (filename not available): CellTerm::evaluate
, 000007FEE9F1CB22 (StarSolve): (filename not available): CellTerm::evaluate
, 000007FEE1F37EEA (SegregatedFlowModel): (filename not available): BodyForceEquation::FreeBodyForceTerm::eval
, 000007FEE1D8160E (SegregatedFlowModel): (filename not available): SegregatedFlowModel::accumulateUnsteadySource
, 000007FEE1E210FE (SegregatedFlowModel): (filename not available): BodyForceEquation::SaveBodyForceTerm::~SaveBodyFor ceTerm
, 000007FEE1E6899C (SegregatedFlowModel): (filename not available): SegregatedFlowSolver::iterationUpdate
, 000007FEE9F2D2E3 (StarSolve): (filename not available): RunnableSolver::step
, 000007FEEA048381 (StarSolve): (filename not available): ImplicitUnsteadySolver::step
, 000007FEE9F6C75E (StarSolve): (filename not available): SimulationIterator::startSimulation
, 000007FEEA077F1C (StarSolve): (filename not available): SolverStoppingCriterionManager::SolverStoppingCrit erionManager
, 000007FEF3C925E4 (StarNeo): (filename not available): Controller::executeCommand
, 000007FEF3C913A8 (StarNeo): (filename not available): Controller::processCommands
, 000007FEEFEDD509 (StarMachine): (filename not available): CommandController::processCommands
, 000007FEEFDD9035 (StarMachine): (filename not available): Machine::startServerHost
, 000007FEEFDCD506 (StarMachine): (filename not available): Machine::main
, ERROR: SymGetSymFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 000000013FE511D6)
, 000000013FE511D6 (star-ccm+): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
, ERROR: SymGetSymFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 000000013FE5552E)
, 000000013FE5552E (star-ccm+): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
, 00000000778D652D (kernel32): (filename not available): BaseThreadInitThunk
, 0000000077B0C521 (ntdll): (filename not available): RtlUserThreadStart
error: Server Error
expression: autoAllocateStorage(g)
file: StoredVariable_t.h
line: 299

Can someone help me please.


Schaeff January 29, 2014 05:09

Same Here
hey savr1484,
i got the same message and didn't find an answer. Did you manage to figure it out by now?

Thanks alot,

ping February 2, 2014 11:24

it looks like you have set the case up incorrectly and have encountered an unrecoverable error so this sim file should not be used again after an error like that
go back to your last save or start the tutorial again
or download the completed tutorials from the cdadapco support site if you cant be bothered doing it again

me3840 February 4, 2014 00:55

This is usually an initialization error. If you are doing a transient simulation ensure that you are completing timesteps before you stop the solver. Hit the step button to complete an incomplete timstep. Then change whatever you changed and run.

What are you trying to do?

The sim file can be used again, it isn't that big of a deal.

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