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yorelchr May 16, 2014 11:36

eulerian multiphase
Hello everyone,

I am trying to model a filter; I am using the eulerian multiphase model.
Since it is not possible to use porous zones or porous baffles, I am trying with permeability.
I have a first conduct, followed by a filter and then a second conduct.
At the moment, I'm just at "a first try". So:
Phase 1 (continuous) = air
Phase 2 (dispersed) = particle
At the frontier between conduct 1 and filter, I've put permeability for phase 1, and for a first try (just to see if it's ok), I let wall for phase 2 (with intention after, to put permeability but with another coefficient than for phase 1) and phase 1 and phase 2 are comporting exactly in the same way. All Particles are crossing as if there were no wall conditions. Why that? Shouldn't I get, at least, an error message since particles can "go out"?
How do these permeability condition on interface work?
thanks for any clue.

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