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Translation motion not working correctly in Eulerian Multiphase simulation (V.11_02)

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Old   May 12, 2019, 17:49
Default Translation motion not working correctly in Eulerian Multiphase simulation (V.11_02)
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Mikel Valderrama
Join Date: Apr 2018
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Hi everyone,

I'm currently trying to make some simulations to see the behaviour of a F1 car fuel inside the tank and to also see the different slopes that are generated depending on the velocity of the F1, as well as the sloshing that occurs.

I do not have any kind of errors before starting and during the simulation but instead of watching how the slope is created after applying a 70m/s translation motion that lasts for more than 10s, it seems like the translation motion is only applied at the very start of the simulation and then it dissapears (And, in consequence, the fuel stabilizes until obtaining a flat surface, not making a slope).

Before this project, I did a simulation involving this similar case of VOF Eulerian Multiphase with water inside a cylinder and a rotation velocity and it worked perfectly. However, now I've tried to use a translation motion in the region, tried to change the starting velocity of the region, tried to change the starting velocity of the physics... but it seems like nothing works and I've ran out of ideas.

I have attached some photos with the characteristics that the simulation has and here is also a link to download a video of the simulation:

This is a project that I have to present in 2-3 weeks but I still do not have any kind of data and I'm really really nervous.
Attached Files
File Type: txt wow_Copy2.txt (32.8 KB, 6 views)
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Old   May 13, 2019, 05:07
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Sebastian Engel
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Hi Mikel,

I do not have any kind of errors before starting and during the simulation but instead of watching how the slope is created after applying a 70m/s translation motion that lasts for more than 10s, it seems like the translation motion is only applied at the very start of the simulation and then it dissapears (And, in consequence, the fuel stabilizes until obtaining a flat surface, not making a slope).
Are you sure constant 70 m/s velocity is the intended boundary condition?
Because your observation would make totally sense. The very first time step accelerates the region from 0 to 70 m/s and after that there is no additional acceleration, is there? This would result in one big slosh followed by dampening of the waves due to gravity (gravitational acceleration).
The fuel only sloshes in its tank when there is any effective acceleration.

The glas of water on a table does not (easily) show that the surface speed of the earth is up to 465 m/s (at the equator), does it?

Best regards,
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Old   May 13, 2019, 07:33
Yogesh Nalam
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Hello Mikel,

If you want to see a slope inside the tank, can you not just calculate the resultant acceleration (magnitude and direction) due to gravity and acceleration of F1 vehicle and apply it, without any translational velocity.

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eulerian multiphase, sloshing tank, translational motion, vof simulation, wall boundary condition

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