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Jfredolay December 18, 2020 14:51

Imported Geometry is larger than designed
Hello! When I import my STL part into star, its far too large. I could scale it down but I'm unsure how much bigger star made the part in the first place. I have all the settings set to default. Could I get some help?

fluid23 December 20, 2020 10:15

This is an issue with your STL file, not Star-CCM+. Double check the STL export settings, or if that isn't an option, use the rule tool and measure a major dimension then compare to your model. From that, the scale to apply to fix your geometry is easy to calculate. However, there may be some slight point-click error in the rule tool so compare the scale you calculate to common length unit conversions. More than likely you have read in inches or feet as m.

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