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ZachJa December 17, 2014 04:36

ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10 while using Aster inside Salome

made a couple days ago linear elastic analysis (simple round bar fixed at sides and loaded at centre) using Aster in Salome-Meca 2014.2 and all was fine ie analysis run OK, results were generated (.rmed file) and I could watch them via ParaViS also inside Salome.
Today tried to repeat the same simulation from zero but when I pressed "run" in Aster I got the following massage in terminal:
File "/home/zach/salome/V2014_2/tools/Code_aster_frontend_20142/lib/python2.7/site-packages/asrun/", line 480, in parse
'ul' : int(spl[4]),
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'D'

I opened file and there is the following expression in line 480:
'ul' : int(spl[4]),
Tried to replace int with float (as found on forums), add float after int - but it still does not work.
Have no idea why this error appeared...
Please help to solve it!

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