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MSTEINBUCH November 5, 2023 06:22

SU2 v8.0.0 Harrier - Each CPU prints to output
I am running small input to check the SU2 v8.0.0 Harrier on cluster of two computers each has 8 CPU's. Each CPU prints the output to the log file. I get each line 16 times in the log file.

How to fix it so as in Version 7.5.1 only one cpu will print the output?

bigfootedrockmidget November 5, 2023 11:56

This happens when you do not compile with mpi support, you should check the meson command and also the output to see if mpi support is added.

MSTEINBUCH November 6, 2023 02:09

Thank You
Thank you, I will look for the mpi support in meson

MSTEINBUCH November 13, 2023 06:50


Originally Posted by bigfootedrockmidget (Post 859514)
This happens when you do not compile with mpi support, you should check the meson command and also the output to see if mpi support is added.

Hello, what does it mean to setup PKG_CONFIG_PATH variable ?

bigfootedrockmidget November 13, 2023 09:49

Do you use openmpi or mpich?

Do you get these kind of problems:

Also check here:

if you have mpich, you need to use these meson options:

-Dcustom-mpi=true -Dextra-deps=mpich

MSTEINBUCH November 14, 2023 03:11

Su2 version 8
Thank you,

Although I try to launch SU2 with /applhome/mpich/mpich-4.1.2-rocky87/bin/mpirun

the program tries to open the /usr/lib64/openmpi/lib/

bigfootedrockmidget November 14, 2023 15:54

if you have multiple mpi's installed, then you can set the active mpi using

update-alternatives --config mpi
update-alternatives --config mpirun

You can check the correct linking by following the symbolic links of mpirun for instance:


which mpirun
 ls -lrt /usr/bin/mpirun
/usr/bin/mpirun -> /etc/alternatives/mpirun
ls -lrt /etc/alternatives/mpirun
/etc/alternatives/mpirun -> /usr/bin/mpirun.mpich

or you can uninstall one of the mpi's.

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