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sirius September 15, 2014 07:34

OpenFabrics failed
I am trying to submit a SU2 parallel MPI run using the job scheduler PBS Pro. I get the following error

libibverbs: Warning: RLIMIT_MEMLOCK is 32768 bytes.
This will severely limit memory registrations.
The OpenFabrics (openib) BTL failed to initialize while trying to
allocate some locked memory. This typically can indicate that the
memlock limits are set too low. For most HPC installations, the
memlock limits should be set to "unlimited".

I don't get this error for other codes requiring large memory. Also if I run SU2 with MPI directly (i.e. without PBS), I don't face this problem. I am already setting ulimit to unlimited. If anybody has faced a similar issue and/or has a solution, please let me know. Thanks.

fpalacios September 21, 2014 21:22

Interesting problem, what case are your running? Have you tried with a really small simulation (e.g. quick start tutorial).


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