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kmandar July 22, 2015 20:39

Quasi-1D nozzle flow and sensitivities

Is there any option to specify that the flow is quasi-1D? This might seem like I am going one level of fidelity backwards, but I want to solve the flow and sensitivity for quasi-1D nozzle. This problem is good because we have the analytical solution, and the errors in flow and sensitivity can be accurately quantified.

Thanks for the wonderful commenting in the code. It helps a ton!


hlk July 23, 2015 11:02

A while ago I implemented area-averaged and flux-averaged outputs, intended to be used to one-dimensionalize the flow at an outlet.
The code for this is in SU2_CFD/output_structure.cpp; COutput::OneDimensionalOutput

It is controlled by the config settings:
MARKER_OUT_1D = (outlet marker)

It will add the values calculated there to the history file. It's not exactly what you're asking for, but you might be able to either use those values to get what you want or modify that function to get the one-dimensionalization you want.

kmandar August 25, 2015 08:15

Thanks for your reply.

Ok, I think I understand most parts of that piece of code.

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