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stewels June 17, 2016 08:02

Gmsh does not ouput SU2 markers from physical surfaces
Hi All

For the last two days I've struggled with a problem I can't seem to solve, some help would be appreciated...

When I output a volume mesh from Gmsh in .SU2 format, the physical surfaces / volumes are not exported as "markers" in the file. Thus, SU2 does not not know which nodes form the surfaces of the body, farfield, inlet, etc. The volume mesh itself exports fine, it's just the marker sections that are missing.

Any ideas why this could be? Is there perhaps a way to export only the defined physical surfaces to SU2 format, so that I can manually merge the volume mesh with the physical surface boundaries? Gmsh doesn't give me the option to select specific physical entities when saving as .SU2?

For information, I generate an .STL geometry in OpenVSP with the inbuilt CFD meshing function. I then process the geometry as follows in Gmsh (I know I could have used extrude, but I kept the possibility open to have a non-box shaped boundary):

Merge "ABCDEFG.stl";
Point(1) = {-30, 20, 20, 1.0};
Point(2) = {-30, 20, -20, 1.0};
Point(3) = {-30, -20,20, 1.0};
Point(4) = {-30, -20,-20, 1.0};
Point(5) = {30, 20, 20, 1.0};
Point(6) = {30, 20, -20, 1.0};
Point(7) = {30, -20, 20, 1.0};
Point(8) = {30, -20, -20, 1.0};
Line(1) = {3, 7};
Line(2) = {1, 5};
Line(3) = {2, 6};
Line(4) = {4, 8};
Line(5) = {2, 4};
Line(6) = {6, 8};
Line(7) = {1, 3};
Line(8) = {5, 7};
Line(9) = {2, 1};
Line(10) = {4, 3};
Line(11) = {8, 7};
Line(12) = {6, 5};
Line Loop(13) = {9, 7, -10, -5};
Plane Surface(14) = {13};
Line Loop(15) = {2, 8, -1, -7};
Plane Surface(16) = {15};
Line Loop(17) = {12, -2, -9, 3};
Plane Surface(18) = {17};
Line Loop(19) = {5, 4, -6, -3};
Plane Surface(20) = {19};
Line Loop(21) = {12, 8, -11, -6};
Plane Surface(22) = {21};
Line Loop(23) = {10, 1, -11, -4};
Plane Surface(24) = {23};

Surface Loop(25) = {14, 18, 22, 16, 24, 20};
Surface Loop(27) = {1};
Volume(28) = {25,27};
Physical Surface("FARFIELD") = {25};
Physical Surface("BODY") = {27};

//To do inlet, outlet, etc.


Thanks a lot!

stewels June 17, 2016 08:22

Just my luck, solved it 10 min after posting...

The physical surfaces must be of type "plane surface" and not "surface loop". Thus, replace the last two lines with

Physical Surface("FARFIELD") = {14, 18, 22, 16, 24, 20};
Physical Surface("BODY") = {1};

and it works perfectly.

hlk June 18, 2016 09:50


Originally Posted by stewels (Post 605360)
Just my luck, solved it 10 min after posting...

The physical surfaces must be of type "plane surface" and not "surface loop". Thus, replace the last two lines with

Physical Surface("FARFIELD") = {14, 18, 22, 16, 24, 20};
Physical Surface("BODY") = {1};

and it works perfectly.

Thank you for posting your solution - it may be useful to future users.

stebbt April 14, 2017 15:14

gmsh to SU2 format

I am trying to output gmsh mesh file in .su2 format. It appears that you have done this, could you please explain how this was done?


Nicles43 May 17, 2023 05:15

similar error
I'm trying to run a simulation of an apollo-like capsule

I have the farfield that is a circle
Inside i have a conical shape 2D

In the geo file i have defined the markers as follows:

// capsule
Curve Loop(1) = {4,1,3,2,5,6,7,8};
// farfield
Curve Loop(2) = {9};
Plane Surface(1) = {1,2};
Physical Curve("FARFIELD")= {9};
Physical Curve("CAPSULE")= {4,1,3,2,5,6,7,8};
Physical Surface("VOLUME") = {1};

Obv, in my config i am placing BC markers on the capsule and on the farfield, while the Physcial Surface called "VOLUME" does not require any BC , any marker:

However, the simulation does not beging , showing me this error:
Error in "short unsigned int CConfig::GetMarker_CfgFile_TagBound(std::string) const":
The configuration file doesn't have any definition for marker VOLUME
------------------------------ Error Exit -------------------------------

I tried to set the number of marker as 2 in the geo file (NMARK = 2) But the result is the same
Help me please!

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