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SU2: pyAMG mesh adaptation issues

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Old   August 28, 2024, 18:38
Default SU2: pyAMG mesh adaptation issues
New Member
Flavio Giannetti
Join Date: Mar 2021
Location: Italy
Posts: 14
Rep Power: 5
flavio73 is on a distinguished road
Hi guys

for my projects, I decided to try the mesh adaptation capability of SU2. So, I downloaded the "feature_adap" branch which I suppose is the most updated and stable branch for the inria AMG mesh adaptation software and tried to install it. After some trial and error I have been able to compile and install it on my Linux server (Linux Mint 19.1).
Then I tried to perform my first SU2 adaptation run. I took the NACA0012 inviscid example and modified the config file adding the AMG options. Here is my configuration file


Using the PYADAP_SENSOR= MACH option I was able to perform the Euler simulation of the NACA0012 airfoil in transonic condition with the mesh adaptation. The run was succesfull and returned the updated solution on an adapted mesh.

After this attempt, I wanted to try the goal-oriented mesh adaptation (same configuration file but with PYADAP_SENSOR= GOAL). This time I ended up with a segmentation fault. In particular running

Code: -f adap_NACA0012.cfg -n 12
II got the following error log0.txt:

SU2-AMG Anisotropic Mesh Adaptation

Mesh adaptation options:
PYADAP_COMPLEXITY : (6000, 8000, 1000)
PYADAP_SUBITE : (2, 2, 2)
PYADAP_FLOW_ITER : (500, 700, 900)
PYADAP_ADJ_ITER : (500, 700, 900)
PYADAP_CFL : (10.0, 15.0, 20.0)

./adap exists. Removing old mesh adaptation in 10s.
The ./adap folder was deleted

Generating GMF background surface mesh.
Running initial CFD solution.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/flavio/Software/SU2_AMG/bin/", line 87, in <module>
  File "/home/flavio/Software/SU2_AMG/bin/", line 51, in main
    options.partitions )
  File "/home/flavio/Software/SU2_AMG/bin/", line 77, in mesh_adaptation
  File "/home/flavio/Software/SU2_AMG/bin/SU2/run/", line 237, in amg
  File "/home/flavio/Software/SU2_AMG/bin/SU2/run/", line 112, in CFD
    run_command( the_Command )
  File "/home/flavio/Software/SU2_AMG/bin/SU2/run/", line 292, in run_command
    raise exception(message)
RuntimeError: Path = /home/flavio/Software/SU2_AMG/example_amg/adap/ini/,
Command = mpirun -n 12 /home/flavio/Software/SU2_AMG/bin/SU2_CFD_AD config_CFD_AD.cfg
SU2 process returned error '139'
The output indicates that the problem is the call to the adjoint solver. So I entered the adap/ini folder and run

mpirun -n 12 /home/flavio/Software/SU2_AMG/bin/SU2_CFD_AD config_CFD_AD.cfg
obtaining some more detailed info log1.txt:

|    ___ _   _ ___                                                      |
|   / __| | | |_  )   Release 7.0.3 "Blackbird"                         |
|   \__ \ |_| |/ /                                                      |
|   |___/\___//___|   Suite (Computational Fluid Dynamics Code)         |
|                                                                       |
Initialize Jacobian structure (Euler). MG level: 0.
Initialize Jacobian structure (Euler). MG level: 1.
Initialize Jacobian structure (Euler). MG level: 2.

------------------- Numerics Preprocessing ( Zone 0 ) -------------------

----------------- Integration Preprocessing ( Zone 0 ) ------------------

------------------- Iteration Preprocessing ( Zone 0 ) ------------------
Discrete adjoint Euler/Navier-Stokes/RANS fluid iteration.
Direct iteration: Euler/Navier-Stokes/RANS equation.
  Info: Ignoring the following screen output fields:
  Info: Ignoring the following history output groups:
History output group(s): ITER, RMS_RES
Convergence field(s): RMS_DENSITY
Warning: No (valid) fields chosen for time convergence monitoring. Time convergence monitoring inactive.

------------------------------ Begin Solver -----------------------------

Simulation Run using the Single-zone Driver

Direct iteration to store the primal computational graph.
Compute residuals to check the convergence of the direct problem.
log10[U(0)]: -8.03383, log10[U(1)]: -5.91761, log10[U(2)]: -5.95849.
log10[U(3)]: -2.54363.

|  Inner_Iter|   Time(sec)|  rms[A_Rho]|    rms[A_E]|
|           0|  1.3972e-01|   -2.915811|   -7.783049|
|           1|  8.1002e-02|   -2.684373|   -7.864832|
|         495|  2.0795e-02|   -7.521627|  -12.813194|
|         496|  2.0794e-02|   -7.530470|  -12.821861|
|         497|  2.0792e-02|   -7.539478|  -12.830701|
|         498|  2.0791e-02|   -7.548650|  -12.839715|
|         499|  2.0789e-02|   -7.557986|  -12.848903|

Recording the computational graph with respect to the mesh coordinates.

----------------------------- Compute Metric ----------------------------
Computing Hessians using Green-Gauss.
Computing flow conservative variable Hessians.
Computing adjoint flow variable Hessians.
[fd2:115993] *** Process received signal ***
[fd2:115993] Signal: Segmentation fault (11)
[fd2:115993] Signal code: Address not mapped (1)
[fd2:115993] Failing at address: 0x270
[fd2:116027] *** Process received signal ***
[fd2:116027] Signal: Segmentation fault (11)
[fd2:116027] Signal code: Address not mapped (1)
[fd2:116027] Failing at address: 0x270
[fd2:116045] *** Process received signal ***
[fd2:116045] Signal: Segmentation fault (11)
[fd2:116045] Signal code: Address not mapped (1)
[fd2:116045] Failing at address: 0x270
[fd2:116140] *** Process received signal ***
[fd2:116140] Signal: Segmentation fault (11)
[fd2:116140] Signal code: Address not mapped (1)
[fd2:116140] Failing at address: 0x270
[fd2:116172] *** Process received signal ***
[fd2:116172] Signal: Segmentation fault (11)
[fd2:116172] Signal code: Address not mapped (1)
[fd2:116172] Failing at address: 0x270
[fd2:116351] *** Process received signal ***
[fd2:116351] Signal: Segmentation fault (11)
[fd2:116351] Signal code: Address not mapped (1)
[fd2:116351] Failing at address: 0x270
[fd2:116409] *** Process received signal ***
[fd2:116409] Signal: Segmentation fault (11)
[fd2:116409] Signal code: Address not mapped (1)
[fd2:116409] Failing at address: 0x270
[fd2:116466] *** Process received signal ***
[fd2:116466] Signal: Segmentation fault (11)
[fd2:116466] Signal code: Address not mapped (1)
[fd2:116466] Failing at address: 0x270
Computing goal-oriented metric tensor.
[fd2:115887] *** Process received signal ***
[fd2:115887] Signal: Segmentation fault (11)
[fd2:115887] Signal code: Address not mapped (1)
[fd2:115887] Failing at address: 0x270
[fd2:115888] *** Process received signal ***
[fd2:115888] Signal: Segmentation fault (11)
[fd2:115888] Signal code: Address not mapped (1)
[fd2:115888] Failing at address: 0x270
[fd2:115889] *** Process received signal ***
[fd2:115889] Signal: Segmentation fault (11)
[fd2:115889] Signal code: Address not mapped (1)
[fd2:115889] Failing at address: 0x270
[fd2:115918] *** Process received signal ***
[fd2:115918] Signal: Segmentation fault (11)
[fd2:115918] Signal code: Address not mapped (1)
[fd2:115918] Failing at address: 0x270
[fd2:115993] [ 0] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/[0x7f0d0ef4d980]
[fd2:115993] [ 1] [fd2:115887] [ 0] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/[0x7f033c128980]
[fd2:115887] [ 1] /home/flavio/Software/SU2_AMG/bin/SU2_CFD_AD(+0x5d2ac4)[0x557a97b2eac4]
[fd2:115887] [ 2] /home/flavio/Software/SU2_AMG/bin/SU2_CFD_AD(+0x5def52)[0x557a97b3af52]
[fd2:115887] [ 3] /home/flavio/Software/SU2_AMG/bin/SU2_CFD_AD(+0x7684fb)[0x557a97cc44fb]
[fd2:115887] [ 4] /home/flavio/Software/SU2_AMG/bin/SU2_CFD_AD(+0x75cd62)[0x557a97cb8d62]
[fd2:115888] [ 0] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/[0x7fc72a797980]
[fd2:115888] [ 1] /home/flavio/Software/SU2_AMG/bin/SU2_CFD_AD(+0x5d2ac4)[0x560b759aaac4]
[fd2:115888] [ 2] /home/flavio/Software/SU2_AMG/bin/SU2_CFD_AD(+0x5def52)[0x560b759b6f52]
[fd2:115888] [ 3] /home/flavio/Software/SU2_AMG/bin/SU2_CFD_AD(+0x7684fb)[0x560b75b404fb]
[fd2:115888] [ 4] /home/flavio/Software/SU2_AMG/bin/SU2_CFD_AD(+0x[fd2:115889] [ 0] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/[0x7f7d83c56980]
[fd2:115889] [ 1] /home/flavio/Software/SU2_AMG/bin/SU2_CFD_AD(+0x5d2ac4)[0x56477f319ac4]
[fd2:115889] [ 2] /home/flavio/Software/SU2_AMG/bin/SU2_CFD_AD(+0x[fd2:116466] [ 0] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/[0x7f8e7cd5a980]
[fd2:116466] [ 1] /home/flavio/Software/SU2_AMG/bin/SU2_CFD_AD(+0x5d2ac4)[0x55dcf40c2ac4]
[fd2:116466] [ 2] /home/flavio/Software/SU2_AMG/bin/SU2_CFD_AD(+0x5def52)[0x55dcf40cef52]
[fd2:116466] [ 3] /home/flavio/Software/SU2_AMG/bin/SU2_CFD_AD(+0x7684fb)[0x55dcf42584fb]
[fd2:116466] [fd2:115918] [ 0] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/[0x7fc5ce2b7980]
[fd2:115918] [ 1] /home/flavio/Software/SU2_AMG/bin/SU2_CFD_AD(+0x5d2ac4)[0x55ceee786ac4]
[fd2:115918] [ 2] /home/flavio/Software/SU2_AMG/bin/SU2_CFD_AD(+0x5def52)[0x55ceee792f52]
[fd2:115918] [ 3] /home/flavio/Software/SU2_AMG/bin/SU2_CFD_AD(+0x7684fb)[fd2:116027] [ 0] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/[0x7f91fe413980]
[fd2:116027] [ 1] /home/flavio/Software/SU2_AMG/bin/SU2_CFD_AD(+0x5d2ac4)[0x555d8371dac4]
[fd2:116027] [ 2] /home/flavio/Software/SU2_AMG/bin/SU2_CFD_AD(+0x5def52)[0x555d83729f52]
[fd2:116027] [ 3] /home/flavio/Software/SU2_AMG/bin/SU2_CFD_AD(+0x7684fb)[0x555d838b34fb]
[fd2:116027] [ 4] [fd2:116045] [ 0] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/[0x7f8998665980]
[fd2:116045] [ 1] /home/flavio/Software/SU2_AMG/bin/SU2_CFD_AD(+0x5d2ac4)[0x5558ec135ac4]
[fd2:116045] [ 2] [fd2:116140] [ 0] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/[0x7f187856e980]
[fd2:116140] [ 1] /home/flavio/Software/SU2_AMG/bin/SU2_CFD_AD(+0x5d2ac4)[0x5654d69f0ac4]
[fd2:116140] [ 2] /home/flavio/Software/SU2_AMG/bin/SU2_CFD_AD(+0x5def52)[0x5654d69fcf52]
[fd2:116140] [ 3] /home/flavio/Software/SU2_AMG/bin/SU2_CFD_AD(+0x7684fb)[0x5654d6b864fb]
[fd2:116140] [ 4] /home/flavio/Software/SU2_AMG/bin/SU2_CFD_AD(+0x75cd62)[0x[fd2:116172] [ 0] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/[0x7fd501cbc980]
[fd2:116172] [ 1] /home/flavio/Software/SU2_AMG/bin/SU2_CFD_AD(+0x5d2ac4)[0x[fd2:116351] [ 0] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/[0x7f32a5ea6980]
[fd2:116351] [ 1] /home/flavio/Software/SU2_AMG/bin/SU2_CFD_AD(+0x5d2ac4)[0x564cb9cddac4]
[fd2:116351] [ 2] /home/flavio/Software/SU2_AMG/bin/SU2_CFD_AD(+0x5def52)[0x564cb9ce9f52]
[fd2:116351] [ 3] /home/flavio/Software/SU2_AMG/bin/SU2_CFD_AD(+0x7684fb)[0x564cb9e734fb]
[fd2:116351] [ 4] [fd2:116409] [ 0] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/[0x7f29b36c0980]
[fd2:116409] [ 1] /home/flavio/Software/SU2_AMG/bin/SU2_CFD_AD(+0x5d2ac4)[0x55aeef9f4ac4]
[fd2:116409] [ 2] /home/flavio/Software/SU2_AMG/bin/SU2_CFD_AD(+0x5def52)[0x55aeefa00f52]
[fd2:116409] [ 3] /home/flavio/Software/SU2_AMG/bin/SU2_CFD_AD(+0x7684fb/home/flavio/Software/SU2_AMG/bin/SU2_CFD_AD(+0x5d2ac4)[0x55c1824bfac4]
[fd2:115993] [ 2] /home/flavio/Software/SU2_AMG/bin/SU2_CFD_AD(+0x5def52)[0x55c1824cbf52]
[fd2:115993] [ 3] /home/flavio/Software/SU2_AMG/bin/SU2_CFD_AD(+0x7684fb)[0x55c1826554fb]
[fd2:115993] [ 4] /home/flavio/Software/SU2_AMG/bin/SU2_CFD_AD(+0x75cd62)[0x55c182649d62]
[fd2:115993] [ 5] /home/flavio/Software/SU2_AMG/bin/SU2_CFD_AD(+0xc8cd4)[0x55c181fb5cd4]
[fd2:115993] [ 6] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/[0x7f0d0eb6bc87]
[fd2:115993] [ 7] /home/flavio/Software/SU2_AMG/bin/SU2_CFD_AD(+0x1068aa)[0x55c181ff38aa]
[fd2:116409] [ 4] /home/flavio/Software/SU2_AMG/bin/SU2_CFD_AD(+0x75cd62)[0x[fd2:115887] [ 5] /home/flavio/Software/SU2_AMG/bin/SU2_CFD_AD(+0xc8cd4)[0x557a97624cd4]
[fd2:115887] [ 6] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/[0x560b75b34d62]
[fd2:115888] [ 5] /home/flavio/Software/SU2_AMG/bin/SU2_CFD_AD(+0xc8cd4)[0x560b754a0cd4]
[fd2:115888] [ 6] 5def52)[0x56477f325f52]
[fd2:115889] [ 3] /home/flavio/Software/SU2_AMG/bin/SU2_CFD_AD(+0x7684fb)[0x56477f4af4fb]
[fd2:115889] [ 4] /home/flavio/Software/SU2_AMG/bin/SU2_CFD_AD(+0x75cd62)[0x56477f4a3d62]
[fd2:115889] [ 5] /home/flavio/Software/SU2_AMG/bin/SU2_CFD_AD(+0xc8cd4)[0x56477ee0fcd4]
[ 4] /home/flavio/Software/SU2_AMG/bin/SU2_CFD_AD(+0x75cd62)[0x55dcf424cd62]
[fd2:116466] [ 5] /home/flavio/Software/SU2_AMG/bin/SU2_CFD_AD(+0xc8cd4)[0x55dcf3bb8cd4]
[fd2:116466] [ 6] [0x55ceee91c4fb]
[fd2:115918] [ 4] /home/flavio/Software/SU2_AMG/bin/SU2_CFD_AD(+0x75cd62)[0x55ceee910d62]
[fd2:115918] [ 5] /home/flavio/Software/SU2_AMG/bin/SU2_CFD_AD(+0xc8cd4)[0x55ceee27ccd4]
[fd2:115918] /home/flavio/Software/SU2_AMG/bin/SU2_CFD_AD(+0x75cd62)[0x555d838a7d62]
[fd2:116027] [ 5] /home/flavio/Software/SU2_AMG/bin/SU2_CFD_AD(+0xc8cd4)[0x555d83213cd4]
[fd2:116027] [ 6] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/[0x7f91fe031c87]
[fd2:116045] [ 3] /home/flavio/Software/SU2_AMG/bin/SU2_CFD_AD(+0x7684fb)[0x5558ec2cb4fb]
[fd2:116045] [ 4] /home/flavio/Software/SU2_AMG/bin/SU2_CFD_AD(+0x75cd62)[0x5558ec2bfd62]
[fd2:116045] 5654d6b7ad62]
[fd2:116140] [ 5] /home/flavio/Software/SU2_AMG/bin/SU2_CFD_AD(+0xc8cd4)[0x5654d64e6cd4]
[fd2:116140] [ 6] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/[0x7f187818cc87]
[fd2:116140] 55fce06bbac4]
[fd2:116172] [ 2] /home/flavio/Software/SU2_AMG/bin/SU2_CFD_AD(+0x5def52)[0x55fce06c7f52]
[fd2:116172] [ 3] /home/flavio/Software/SU2_AMG/bin/SU2_CFD_AD(+0x7684fb)[0x55fce08514fb]
[fd2:116172] [ 4] /home/flavio/Software/SU2_AMG/bin/SU2_CFD_AD(+0x/home/flavio/Software/SU2_AMG/bin/SU2_CFD_AD(+0x75cd62)[0x564cb9e67d62]
[fd2:116351] [ 5] /home/flavio/Software/SU2_AMG/bin/SU2_CFD_AD(+0xc8cd4)[0x564cb97d3cd4]
[fd2:116351] [ 6] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/[0x7f32a5ac4c87]
[fd2:116351] [fd2:115993] *** End of error message ***
[ 7] /home/flavio/Software/SU2_AMG/bin/SU2_CFD_AD(+0x1068aa)[0x564cb98118aa]
[fd2:116351] *** End of error message ***
[fd2:116409] [ 5] /home/flavio/Software/SU2_AMG/bin/SU2_CFD_AD(+0xc8cd4)[0x55aeef4eacd4]
[fd2:116409] [ 6] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/[0x7f29b32dec87]
[fd2:116409] [ 7] /home/flavio/Software/SU2_AMG/bin/SU2_CFD_AD(+0x1068aa)[0x55aeef5288aa]
[fd2:116409] *** End of error message ***
[fd2:115887] [ 7] /home/flavio/Software/SU2_AMG/bin/SU2_CFD_AD(+0x1068aa)[0x557a976628aa]
[fd2:115887] *** End of error message ***
[fd2:115888] [ 7] /home/flavio/Software/SU2_AMG/bin/SU2_CFD_AD(+0x1068aa)[0x560b754de8aa]
[fd2:115888] *** End of error message ***
[fd2:115889] [ 6] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/[0x7f7d83874c87]
[fd2:115889] [ 7] /home/flavio/Software/SU2_AMG/bin/SU2_CFD_AD(+0x1068aa)[0x56477ee4d8aa]
[fd2:115889] *** End of error message ***
[fd2:116466] [ 7] /home/flavio/Software/SU2_AMG/bin/SU2_CFD_AD(+0x1068aa)[0x55dcf3bf68aa]
[fd2:116466] *** End of error message ***
[ 6] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/[0x7fc5cded5c87]
[fd2:115918] [ 7] /home/flavio/Software/SU2_AMG/bin/SU2_CFD_AD(+0x1068aa)[0x55ceee2ba8aa]
[fd2:115918] *** End of error message ***
[fd2:116027] [ 7] /home/flavio/Software/SU2_AMG/bin/SU2_CFD_AD(+0x1068aa)[0x555d832518aa]
[fd2:116027] *** End of error message ***
[ 5] /home/flavio/Software/SU2_AMG/bin/SU2_CFD_AD(+0xc8cd4)[0x5558ebc2bcd4]
[fd2:116045] [ 6] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/[0x7f8998283c87]
[fd2:116045] [ 7] /home/flavio/Software/SU2_AMG/bin/SU2_CFD_AD(+0x1068aa)[0x5558ebc698aa]
[fd2:116045] *** End of error message ***
[ 7] /home/flavio/Software/SU2_AMG/bin/SU2_CFD_AD(+0x1068aa)[0x5654d65248aa]
[fd2:116140] *** End of error message ***
[fd2:116172] [ 5] /home/flavio/Software/SU2_AMG/bin/SU2_CFD_AD(+0xc8cd4)[0x55fce01b1cd4]
[fd2:116172] [ 6] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/[0x7fd5018dac87]
[fd2:116172] [ 7] /home/flavio/Software/SU2_AMG/bin/SU2_CFD_AD(+0x1068aa)[0x55fce01ef8aa]
[fd2:116172] *** End of error message ***
mpirun noticed that process rank 2 with PID 0 on node fd2 exited on signal 11 (Segmentation fault).
So, as far as I can see, the adjoint solver is running but then when it tries to compute the adjoint flow variable Hessians, it crashes.
I am wondering if I did something not correct or specified some wrong option in the config file.
Any hints on how to solve the roblem? Is the feature_adap branch the most updated and stable branch for AMG mesh adaptation or I should switch to some other branch ?

At the end I would like to replicate the DARPA EquiPS Nozzle problem (mentioned in but I am not able to find the configuratiuon fille and the mesh of this example anywhere. Can someone provide a link for such test case?

Thanks in advance for the help you can provide


I also tried to install the "feat_adap_dev" branch which is based on SU 7.3.1 "Blackbird". I compiled and installed the code without problems but when I run the example in the QuickStart directory
mpirun -np 10 SU2_CFD inv_NACA0012.cfg
I got a segmentation fault. log_dev.txt





flavio73 is offline   Reply With Quote

Old   October 3, 2024, 04:47
Giovanni Medici
Join Date: Mar 2014
Posts: 48
Rep Power: 12
giovanni.medici is on a distinguished road
Dear flavio,

yes I think the latest available for AMG is 7.0.3, feature_adap (feature_adap_SST was kind of newer but never really made it through something consolidated, as far as I know).

It is interesting what you are trying to simulate yet, I'd say the problem you are facing is related to the options currently implemented.

Have a look to this discussion on gitHub. If I recall correctly the bottom line was that, currently there are only the following options implemented :
% Sensor used for mesh adaptation
giovanni.medici is offline   Reply With Quote


"fetaure_adap" branch, mesh adaptation, pyamg, su2

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