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Set up custom objective function

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  • 1 Post By bigfootedrockmidget

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Old   January 4, 2025, 09:22
Default Set up custom objective function
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Qi Wang
Join Date: Oct 2024
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I'm trying to set up adjoint computation for a objective function that is a single-point pressure. Where exactly should I change the code?

I did see hints on custom objective functions in COutput.cpp

void COutput::SetCustomAndComboObjectives(int idxSol, const CConfig *config, CSolver **solver) {

  if (config->GetKind_ObjFunc() == CUSTOM_OBJFUNC && !config->GetCustomObjFunc().empty()) {
    if (!customObjFunc.ready) {
      SetupCustomHistoryOutput(config->GetCustomObjFunc(), customObjFunc);
  solver[idxSol]->Evaluate_ObjFunc(config, solver);
  SetHistoryOutputValue("COMBO", solver[idxSol]->GetTotal_ComboObj());
But I still don't know how to set it up.

Sorry I searched and found similar questions asked around 2013, before the discrete adjoint capabilities were developed, so I'll simply ask again.
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Old   January 4, 2025, 11:27
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Join Date: Dec 2011
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bigfootedrockmidget is on a distinguished road
use CUSTOM_OBJFUNC. I never tried it together with a probe before. Let us know how that works out.

% User defined expressions of solver variables and other history outputs.
% The syntax to define a custom output is 'name : type{expression}[markers]'.
% NOTE: To obtain the list of available solver variables write an invalid
% expression (e.g. 'x : AreaAvg{INVALID}[]') and run SU2.
% Different outputs need to be separated by ";". The available types are:
% - Macro: Introduces a new field that can only be used in other expressions,
% it is not an output by itself (note the "$" symbol to reference macros).
% - Function: Introduces a new scalar output that is a function of other scalar
% outputs, it cannot reference fields (e.g. velocity).
% - AreaAvg and AreaInt: Computes an area average or integral of a field (the
% expression) over the list of markers.
% - MassFlowAvg and MassFlowInt: Computes a mass flow average or integral.
% - Probe: Evaluates the expression using the values of the mesh point closest
% to the coordinates specified inside "[]", [x, y] or [x, y, z] (2 or 3D).
% NOTE: Each custom output can only use one type, e.g. it is not possible to
% write 'p_drop : AreaAvg{PRESSURE}[inlet] - AreaAvg{PRESSURE}[outlet]'. This
% would need to be separated into two AreaAvg outputs and one Function to
% compute their difference.
CUSTOM_OUTPUTS= 'velocity : Macro{sqrt(pow(VELOCITY_X, 2) + pow(VELOCITY_Y, 2) + pow(VELOCITY_Z, 2))};\
avg_vel : AreaAvg{$velocity}[z_minus, z_plus];\
var_vel : AreaAvg{pow($velocity - avg_vel, 2)}[z_minus, z_plus];\
dev_vel : Function{sqrt(var_vel) / avg_vel};\
probe1 : Probe{$velocity}[0.005, 0.005, 0.05]'
% "COMBO" is the name and group of the output for the objective function
% (regardless of definition). "CUSTOM" is the group for all custom outputs.
% Here we define how the custom objective is computed from other outputs. For
% example, force in the z direction (computed for all MARKER_MONITORING and part
% of AERO_COEFF) plus the absolute value of massflow across the second surface
% ([1]) in MARKER_ANALYZE, scaled by a factor of 1000. It is also possible to
% use "per surface" values from MARKER_MONITORING (use the dry-run mode to see
% the names of available outputs, e.g. SU2_CFD -d lam_flatplate.cfg).
% For multizone problems the CUSTOM_OBJFUNC should be defined for each zone
% individually (with the outputs of that zone), the total for the problem is
% the sum over zones, see disc_adj_fsi/Airfoil_2d.
CUSTOM_OBJFUNC= '1e3 * (FORCE_Z + fabs(SURFACE_MASSFLOW[1])) + dev_vel'
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