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Punt3r September 4, 2013 14:50

processing OpenFoam results on TecPlot360

im trying to use tecplot to post process my result of simulation from OpenFoam.
im learning openFoam. i load the data in tecplot using the OpenFoam(FEA) loader in tecplot.

i wanna know if there is an easy way to store the FE data from OpenFoam in the ordered i,j,k form that tecplot is better equipped to deal with..??

for the lid cavity tutorial case, im trying to plot U vs Y at constant X - vertical center of domain. (x=0.05)
and also, V vs X at constant Y - horizontal center of domain, (y=0.05)

can someone tell me if this is readily possible in tecplot..??
every way ive tried isnt working well. ive read that its a prob with data being in FE format and not ordered i,j,k.. is that true ..??

please help~
Thanks in advance!

hxaxtma February 15, 2014 17:34


I do not know if your case is actual, but there are some thoughts:

OF is an unstructural solver which is using point grid data base connections. So results are unstructured, even if youn are using an structured grid.

1st option:
Writing a tool which reorders your grid to your velocity and p profiles (still working in this)

2nd option: Kind of workaround
Save your grid as structured and interpolate (e.g.: with Python) your data on structured grid. If your original grid is the same like your grid you calculated on there shoudl be no interpolation losses.

There you go...

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