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Transient solution multiple CGNS files in Tecplot

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Old   October 17, 2006, 03:58
Default Transient solution multiple CGNS files in Tecplot
Ramses Galaz
Posts: n/a
I have exported 500 timesteps of a CFX results file to the CGNS format so it can be read by Tecplot. CFX exported 500 individual CGNS files. It seems that Tecplot only lets me read one Data File at a time (e.g. one CGNS file, I canīt have two or more).

How do I join these files together to create a single animation in Tecplot?.
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Old   October 17, 2006, 10:32
Default Re: Transient solution multiple CGNS files in Tecp
Ananda Himansu
Posts: n/a
If you use Tecplot under Linux/Unix, easiest way is to collect all the data files in a single directory (folder), and use the command line. I will use .dat files as an example rather than CGNS, because I have not used CGNS files with Tecplot. Use the command line "tecplot *.dat" to have it launch and read in all the files. If you have other .dat files in the directory, use constrained wildcard characters to narrow the selection, for example, "tecplot LES_run*.dat" or "tecplot LES_run*.plt".

If you are using Tecplot from a GUI desktop, open the Load Data dialog box, click on the "Multiple Files" button, select all the data files you want by highlighting and clicking "Add To List", and finally clicking "Open Files" when you are done.

After that, you can animate over the range of zones. If the CGNS loader does not have the ability to import multiple files in the above manner, then I am afraid I do not know how.
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Old   October 17, 2006, 10:38
Default Re: Transient solution multiple CGNS files in Tecp
Ananda Himansu
Posts: n/a
oh, I forgot:

If the previous methods do not apply, with regular .dat or .plt files (Tecplot format plot files), you can also load files one at a time, bringing up the "Load Data" dialog repeatedly, and selecting "Add To Current Data Set" after the first file is loaded. This would be tedious to do for 500 files, but you would end up with 500 zones, and you can then animate. Again, I do not know whether the CGNS data loader works the same way.
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Old   October 17, 2006, 10:43
Default Re: Transient solution multiple CGNS files in Tecp
Ananda Himansu
Posts: n/a
I really should think things through completely before I post, but I'm hungering for lunch. If you were working with .dat files, under *nix OSes, another elegant solution would be (if each file began with a "ZONE" statement) to concatenate the files at the Linux command prompt to a single file containing all 500 zones, then preplot to a .plt file for efficiency of reading, then read into Tecplot as a single file with 500 zones. Again, I do not know what the equivalent surgery with CGNS is.
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