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lukas-777 January 17, 2015 13:28

How to open data file in macro
I have to handle many data files and on each file i have to perform similar functions for which i have already written a macro script. The name of the files are in the numerical order like

plunging_i=1_t=2.500e-03.plt , plunging_i=2_t=5.000e-03.plt, plunging_i=3_t=7.500e-03.plt, plunging_i=4_t=1.0000e-03.plt

#!MC 1100
# Created by Tecplot 360 build
$!VarSet |MFBD| = 'C:\Users\Desktop'
$!READDATASET '"D:\DATA\plunging_i=1_t=2.500e-03.plt" '

Is it possible to open these files using macro loop instead of opening each file individually and then executing the same commands ??

scott_rumage January 23, 2015 17:28

I personally don’t know how to do what you are attempting in Tecplot 360. However this does appear to be a good fit for Tecplot Chorus, i.e. the loading in a series of data files and running a macro to produce a plot for each result.

Another benefit of Chorus is that one then can load in all the resulting plots into a matrix view to compare the results over a range of a given parameter.

You can learn more about Chorus at this link:

And you can download a trial version of Chorus at this link: .


lukas-777 January 24, 2015 09:56

And for Tecplot 360 would do the trick ?? He is working on it.

Durrell4 January 26, 2015 21:54

I would recommend a combination of Python and Tecplot360
Hi Lukas,

Chorus is perhaps not the tool for your application, I would suggest using python to read the files and launch Tecplot with a macro. If you need help writing the python code let me know and I can send you an example.


Here is a script that I use to convert data from plt to szplt if you know python you could follow the code:

import os
import subprocess

tecplotPath = r"C:\Program Files\Tecplot\Tecplot 360 EX Beta\bin\tec360.exe"
directoryToCrawl = r"D:\TEMP\test"

def createWriteSZLMacroFile(filePath):
szlFileName = filePath.replace(".plt", ".szplt")
macroFilePath = r"writeSZL.mcr"
theFile = open(macroFilePath, "w")
theFile.write("#!MC 1410\n")
theFile.write(" COMMANDPROCESSORID = 'Tecplot Subzone Data Tools'\n")
theFile.write(" COMMAND = 'WRITEDATASET FILENAME=\"%s\"'\n" %(szlFileName))
return macroFilePath

def convertToSZL(fileName):
macroFilePath = createWriteSZLMacroFile(fileName)
commandArgs = [tecplotPath, fileName, "-b", "-p", macroFilePath]

def main():
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(directoryToCrawl):
for name in files:
fileName = os.path.join(root,name)
if fileName.endswith(".plt"):

if __name__ == '__main__':

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