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jinwon park April 4, 2008 19:37

Tecplot output format in 2-D cartesian grid
I am simulating 2-D axi-symmetric explosion flows in 2-D cartesian grid. A circular initial condition was embedded by a smoothed function. To get time-varing results, I implemented that at every 100 time steps, the x,y,rho,u,v are outputted by

WRITE(ifile,'(1x,a,f8.6,a,a,i3,a,i3,a)') 'ZONE T="',tw,'sec"',',I=',nx,',J=',ny,'F=POINT '

DO=1,nx DO=1,ny

WRITE(ifile,'(1x,5e25.10)') rho(i,j),y(i,j),rho(i,j),u(i,j),v(i,j)


The output file substituted into tecplot 10 draws coutour plots. However, the contours are not continuous where the stair-case distributions are shown. I hope the tecplot draws continuous contour plots with discretized variables. Could anyone help to draw continous 2-D contours in Tecplot?

Markus Lummer April 7, 2008 02:12

Re: Tecplot output format in 2-D cartesian grid
Hello Jinwon,

you could try to interchange the loops.

Hope, this helps.

Regards Markus

jinwon park April 7, 2008 05:09

Re: Tecplot output format in 2-D cartesian grid
Does it mean following?

DO j=1,ny DO i=1,nx .... ENDDO ENDDO

Markus Lummer April 7, 2008 05:40

Re: Tecplot output format in 2-D cartesian grid
Hello Jinwon,

sorry, I think I didn't get your problem right. According to the tecplot manual the loop ordering for the F=Point format has to look like this

Do J=1,Jmax

Do I=1,IMax

write(*,*) x(i,j),y(i,j),rho(i,j),u(i,j),v(i,j)



Your first variable is rho(i,j) - is this OK ?

I don't understand, what you mean with stair-case distribution. Tecplot should interpolate linearly between data points in contour plots. A smooth distribution of colors has to be activated separately.

Regards, Markus

Jinwon April 7, 2008 05:44

Re: Tecplot output format in 2-D cartesian grid
I think that contour plots in Tecplots do not interpolate between data points. Do you know how to activate a smooth distribution of colors in contours? I have not heard about that subject. Thanks.

Markus Lummer April 7, 2008 06:28

Re: Tecplot output format in 2-D cartesian grid
Hello Jinwon

the menu point is

Plot - Contour/Multi-Coloring Details - Coloring

and activate there the Continuous button.

Regards, Markus

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