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juliette2215 March 6, 2015 16:16

Vector Fields in Matlab using Fluent datas
Hi everyone,

I am currently trying to plot a vector field in Matlab, using some datas extracted from Fluent. For this, I extracted the radial and axial velocity (my model is 2D axisymmetric) in a ASCII file.

When I import the datas into Matlab, I have five different vectors (1x61136) representing:
- the number of the considered node
- x coordinate
- y coordinate
- the radial velocity
- the axial velocity

What I want is being able to plot the vectors scaled by the velocity magnitude ( I can't do that in Fluent because my x and y axis have to be scaled).
I tried to use the 'quiver' function and also the 'ncquiverref' function. But I am not really good (at all) in programming, and in the first case with 'quiver' I obtained vectors with auto-scale; and when I used 'ncquiverref' I cannot change the length and width of the vector heads which leads to a vector field completely unreadable! (When I tried to reduce the number of vectors plotted, their length increased as well so it doesn't change anything).

As I said I suck at programming, but I really need to find a correct way to plot this vector fields. I hope that someone could help me.

Thank you in advance for your response, and if you need some other informations feel free to ask.

Have a nice day!


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