Approximation Schemes for convective term - structured grids - What we need: Please help
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ULTRA-SHARP : Universal Limiter for Thight Resolution and Accuracy in combination with the Simple High-Accuracy Resolution Program (also ULTRA-QUICK)
B. P. Leonard and S. Mokhtari (1990), "Beyond first-order upwinding: the ULTRA-SHARP alternative for non-oscillatory steady state simulation of convection.", International Journal of Numerical Methods in Engineering, 30:729–766, 1990..
B. P. Leonard and S. Mokhtari. (1990), "ULTRA-SHARP nonoscillatory convection schemes for highspeed steady multidimensional flow", Technical Memorandum TM-102568 ICOMP-90-12,NASA, April 1990..
ENIGMATIC - Extended Numerical Integration for Genuinely Multidimensional Advective Transport Insuring Conservation
B. P. Leonard, A. P. Lock, and M. K. MacVean. (1995), "Extended numerical integration for genuinely multidimensional advective transport insuring conservation.", In C. Taylor and P. Durbetaki, editors, Numerical Methods in Laminar and Turbulent Flow, volume 9, pages 1–12. Pineridge Press, 1995..
COSMIC : Conservative Operator Splitting for Multidimensions with Internal Constancy
B. P. Leonard , A. P. Lock, and M. K. MacVean. (1996), "Conservative explicit unrestricted-timestep multidimensional constancy-preserving advection schemes.", Monthly Weather Review, 124:2588–2606, November 1996..
QUICKEST - Quadratic Upstream Interpolation for Convective Kinematics with Estimated Streaming Terms
B. P. Leonard (1988), "Elliptic systems: Finite-difference method IV.", In W. J. Minkowycz, E. M. Sparrow, G. E. Schneider, and R. H. Pletcher, editors, Handbook of Numerical Heat Transfer, pages 347–378. Wiley, New York, 1988..
AQUATIC - Adjusted Quadratic Upstream Algorithm for Transient Incompressible Convection
B. P. Leonard (1981), "A survey of finite differences with upwinding for numerical modelling of the incompressible convective diffusion equation.", In C. Taylor and K. Morgan, editors, Computational Methods in Transient and Turbulent Flow, pages 1–35. Pineridge Press, Swansea, 1981..
EXQUISITE - Exponential or Quadratic Upstream Interpolation for Solution of the Incompressible Transport Equation
B. P. Leonard (1981), "A survey of finite differences with upwinding for numerical modelling of the incompressible convective diffusion equation", In C. Taylor and K. Morgan, editors, Computational Methods in Transient and Turbulent Flow, pages 1–35. Pineridge Press, Swansea, 1981..
van Leer limiter
van Albada
Bounded Fromm
G.D. Van Albada, B.Van Leer, W.W.Roberts
A comparative study of computational methods in cosmic gas dynamics
Astron. Astrophysics, Vol. 108, p.76, 1982
Smooth, bounded Fromm
N.P.Waterson, H.Deconinck.
A unified approach to the design and application of bounded higher-order convection schemes
In C. Taylor and P.Durbetaki, editors, Proc. Ninth Int. Conf. on Numer. Method. Laminar and Turbulent Flow, pages 203-214, Pineridge Press, Swansea, 1995
Chakravarthy-Osher limiter
- limiter
Superbee limiter
R-k limiter
LODA - Local Oscillation-Damping Algorithm
J. Zhu and M.A. Leschziner
A local oscillation-damping algorithm for higher-order convection schemes
Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engnrng 67 (1988) 355-366
van Leer harmonic
G. Papadakis, G. Bergeles.
A locally modified second order upwind scheme for convection terms discretization.
Int. J. Numer. Meth. Heat Fluid Flow, 5.49-62, 1995
MSOU - Monotonic Second Order Upwind Differencing Scheme
bounded CUS
B. Koren
A robust upwind discretisation method for advection, diffusion and source terms
In: Numerical Mthods for Advection-Diffusion Problems, Ed. C.B.Vreugdenhil& B.Koren, Vieweg, Braunscheweigh, p.117, (1993)
Smooth, bounded cubic upwind interpolation, analogous to van Leer Harmonic limiter
N.P.Waterson H.Deconinck
A unified approach to the design and application of bounded high-order convection schemes
In C. Taylor and P.Durbetaki, editors, Proc. Ninth Int. Conf. on Numerical Methods in Laminar and Turbulent Flow, pages 203-214, Pineridge Press, Swansea, 1995.
B. Noll
Evaluation of a bounded high-resolution scheme for combustor flow computations
AIAA J., vol. 30, No. 1, p.64 (1992)