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TUMate June 24, 2015 09:23

Modeling adsorption in Fluent
Hi everyone,

I'm modeling the adosprtion of NaCl and KCl on solid particles (transient). So far I set up the process in Fluent and wrote an UDF for the adsorption rate.
Regarding that I have two questions:
First, how do I include the maximum adsorption capacity of my solid. In my case, the species get adsorbed and therefore the mass fraction of the species in the gas decreases. After the maximum adsorption capacity is reached, the mass fraction in the gas should increase again. But this doesn't happen in my case. Is there a way to include that simply in Fluent?
The second question is related to the UDF. I'm using the array yi[0] to access the species site fraction on the solid surface. Does anybody know what this array returns specifically?

Any help would be gratefully appreciated!

Thanks =)

alireza7246 April 16, 2020 02:56

hi can you give me your UDF code, i am so appreciated, thank you very much

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