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swm April 28, 2017 23:39

Repeating failures to generate a butterfly grid near the hub fillet
Dear all,

I'm trying to utilize the 'butterfly' topology in Autogrid5 v10.1 to resolve the hub fillet region.
However, error message keeps arising, saying 'Could not create fillet geometry for blade 1. No blend surfaces created'. And, if I close the butterfly option, everything is fine.

Does anyone have any ideas on it? Appreciate any suggestion.



swm April 30, 2017 23:37

I've overcome it! Key points:
1. the unit chosen in the left panel should be consistent with the data in the .geomturb file, or the intersection tolerance set by the software through background operation according to the units can NOT generate a right fillet
2. there's a sew tolerance in the 'Blade Expansion' panel, sometimes you can reduce it a little bit.

Thanks Holger who helps me to figure it out.

Hamidzoka May 4, 2017 04:40

I would like to add some points to what is mentioned here:
Sometimes the position of inlet and/or outlet patches does not let the fillet fully generated. In these cases manual adjustment in positions of patches can help. This is an issue for multi row simulations.


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