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cckohrs June 18, 2023 07:55

gmshToFoam Recombined Wedge -> defaultFaces
1 Attachment(s)
I'm generating an axisymmetric mesh in GMSH with a rotated and extruded mesh about the y-axis and then using gmshToFoam. I assign the physical Surfaces (inlet,outlet, front, back, etc.) in GMSH and run my simulation successfully as long I do not recombine the surfaces that touch the y-axis. However, if I recombine these surface, some of the triangles at the wedges become part of "defaultFaces" which interrupts my workflow (these should form the internal cell faces and are not located on the surface). I need to run many cases like this of varying geometries, so I need a reliable solution to this rather than a once-off.

I'm sure there are workarounds to remove the faces but I'd rather solve this from the beginning to avoid possible future problems.

To be clear, the issue does not show up in GMSH in the .geo or the .msh files, but only after gmshToFoam step.

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