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vsarafian November 9, 2018 02:14

OpenFOAM Circular Flow for Cornering Vehicle
Hello, I am relatively new to using OpenFOAM for the aerodynamics of my FSAE team and have become fairly comfortable with the setup, running, and constructing a multi-block blockMesh for steady-state flow over the car. I have successfully run many simulations on various parts of the aerodynamic components of the racecar using uniform, head on flow.
However, the next thing I want to try and tackle is simulation over the car during cornering. My current assumption is that I cannot simply place the car slightly yawed in the domain and should instead try to assign a curvature to the inlet velocity. I can construct a semi-circular blockMesh, but am struggling to figure out how to actually assign circular boundary conditions for the flow itself. Are there any built in methods to accomplishing this? If so, any help, guidance, and ideas would be greatly appreciated!

akidess November 9, 2018 02:41

Completely ignoring what OpenFOAM can or cannot do, how would you mathematically describe a circular boundary condition on a surface? It's impossible.

Make a sketch of what you want your flow field to look like, and then think about what this means for the boundaries.

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