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boffin5 August 8, 2021 18:03

how to access windows files from openfoam v2012
Although I'm a newbie with OF8, I'm even more of one for v2012.
I have some text files that I want to use to create a case in the windows version. But I can't figure out how to access them from OF v2012. I think it involves something like a mnt/c command, but I can't make it work. Sorry for such a basic question, but after researching, I'm still stumped. Hope someone can save me from the spectre of vi-ing them in.

janibo August 9, 2021 04:53

Hi Alan,

are you using a virtual box or the ubuntu subsystem?

petros August 9, 2021 07:03


If you are using WSL, you can navigate to the ubuntu files with:


cd /mnt/c/Users/<USERNAME>/AppData/Local/Packages/CanonicalGroupLimited.<UBUNTUVERSION>/LocalState/rootfs/home

boffin5 August 9, 2021 11:34

Thanks petros and janibo,
The system that I'm having trouble with is OpenFOAM Min GW cross-compilation; this is the WSL version, I believe. While in this OpenFOAM, I need to be able to read native windows10 files, but haven't found the method.
Also I run OpenFoam8 via Ubuntu on virtual box; for this one I have a bridge to the windows files, so it's no problem. I think it's similar to what petros has suggested.
But the problem remains: how to bridge between native windows10, and WSL OpenFoam?

Yann August 10, 2021 03:48

Hi Alan,

What Petros is talking about is referenced as "Windows 10 native (WSL)"

What you are using is "Windows - minGW" installation which is, I guess, different.

I cannot really help with that since I never used it. On windows I usually go for WSL which is quite easy to use and works for both ESI-OpenCFD and Foundation versions. I find it easier than setting up a virtualbox.

By the way, if you are already using OpenFOAM-8 on a virtualbox, why not installing OpenFOAM-v2021 on the same virtualbox? It would save you the effort of setting up 2 different installations for OpenFOAM-8 and v2012 and you could seamlessly switch from one version to another. (same goes for WSL where you can use both versions)

Just in case some people might be interested, here are clarifications about filesystems under WSL:

In WSL, your windows filesystem is accessible from /mnt/c. From there you can navigate in your windows files. So you can setup your cases from the windows explorer pretty much wherever you want. For instance, something like /mnt/c/USER/OpenFOAM-run.

You can also access your linux filesystem through the windows explorer following the path given by Petros: /mnt/c/Users/<USERNAME>/AppData/Local/Packages/CanonicalGroupLimited.<UBUNTUVERSION>/LocalState/rootfs

This makes things pretty easy to share files from both windows and openFoam-linux environments.

I hope this helps,

janibo August 11, 2021 06:08

You could either try the:

explorer.exe . command for direct access.

or you could try a shared (linked) folder with:

ln command.

engio August 12, 2021 02:38

If you're using Windows 10 MinGW cross-compiled OpenFOAM2012, you can access your windows file system like this..(c, d is drive letter in windows)

ls -l /c/Windows
cp /c/Windows/write.exe /d/testDirectory

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